Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Nigeria: My Perspective.

My friend has always known me to be very passionate about Nigeria. It was therefore such a shock to him that we were losing 3-0 with less than 20 mins to go in an international football match, and I appeared not to be bothered. To him, it was an embarrassment to the nation.
Unfortunately for my friend, he didn't know that it was a repeat match that I had watched and that in less than 15 mins, we were soon to offset the deficit, and go on to win the match. Like Baba God, I had known the end from the beginning!!!
There is another dimension called the DISCERNMENT. In discernment, you have the gift of being able to see afar off what the natural eye cannot.
While watching the replay of a match is natural, discernment is super-natural, (or spiritual).

Unfortunately, very unfortunately, many leaders who should operate at the realm of being able to 'see' a future, hardly can see beyond their nose. The consequence is that our states and nation operate on development designs that have no MASTERPLAN. One may not quite get the implication, but as an Architect, I know it is disaster to embark on a new town development project, or any project for that matter, without a masterplan.

Today, very few have an idea of what is going on in Nigeria.
Nigeria is not just another nation. Nigeria, -as Rev Chris Okotie most aptly acknowledged-, is a CLIENT NATION for God. The implication of the above is that many thing about Nigeria do not operate on 'normal' principles.
To most of us, events unfold on a daily basis, and we follow them as they unfold. Only a few, very few, can see the hand of divinity that is controlling what comes across as the handwork of men.
Have you ever given real thought to the Ebola issue? We are generally very 'carefree' as a people, how did we manage to contain such a deadly disease so much so that countries like America had to come and understudy us? Think about it. What do you think is restraining the godless, heartless, vampires called bh from overrunning the country? Our skills, while giving big credit to our very galant soldiers, the fact remains that 'but for God....'!!
I could spend a full day on matters that we take for granted, whereas less than 5% of such matters have wrecked other countries!

Today, we are in what could be described as the third phase of the NEW NIGERIA PROJECT.

The first phase was anchored by OBJ. He came to clear the bush. Lots of trees needed to be felled. We needed a man in the mould of a general that would take no prisoners. Tough, almost ruthless, elderly enough to command the respect that the African tradition accords elders, and relatively experienced. For reasons best known only to God, a man almost condemned to die, was released from prison and entrusted with the job. That man was OBJ.
Like him or hate him, he was the instrument that God used to stabilize democracy in Nigeria. At the end of eight years, the ground had been cleared and ready for setting out of the project. OBJ's third term bid failed not because of the work of the hands of any man, but because his role had been completed.
Setting out needed a lot of care and precision. Yar'Adua was drafted in by God himself. He believed in the rule of law. He was humble, and good hearted. His successor had his exact temperament. Goodluck believed in the rule of law. He believed in institutions, and in freedom of information, association, and expression. He committed himself to the principles of democracy, and bequeathed the legacy of an election that has so far been described as the freest, fairest, and most transparent. He allowed for viable opposition, and paid the price without regret. Today, the international community has crowned him as the Next Big Thing from Africa -after MANDELA!
His work was done, the foundations had been dug. He had to give way for the Nigeria Project to move on.
Today, despite three previous failed attempts, it has become obvious that past 'rejections' only made way for TIME. At the fullness of time, PMB has stepped in.

What is his job?
He is to lay the reinforcements, and raise the blocks to possibly conclude the sub-structure part of the Nigeria Project.

The essence of the above analysis, again, is to draw our attention to the following important facts:
-That there is a Big Picture called The Nigeria Project.
-That this Nigeria Project is a divine mandate and thus beyond the control of man, any man.
-That we must see this project as less of a competition, and more of TEAM WORK.
-That the emergence of all the presidents from 1999 has been pretty unexpected, almost 'divine' -OBJ was released from jail to take over, Yar'Adua was not in the picture where the Odilis and the Attahs were the front runners till the last second 'coup' by OBJ, that GEJ emerged from the doctrine of necessity, that PMB had contested and did't make it untill this last attempt. GEJ didn't fail election because he was clueless, nor did he concede defeat because he didn't enjoy being in Aso Rock, his time was simply up and he had to be asked nicely to leave. What set him out was that he was obedient whereupon God rewarded him with global recognition.

What I have tried to draw our attention to, again, is the fact that there is a bigger controlling hand on the affairs of our country, than what we tend to see on the surface.

If we appreciate the above, we will stop insulting our leaders (past and present), and NEVER attempt, even in the remotest possible way, to deify any leaders, -governors, or president. They are no more or less fallible than you and I, nor any more special.
They are only HUMANS vested with responsibility, and thus deserving of our RESPECT and SUPPORT.

Finally, 2019 is not in the hands of any mortal. If God decides that PMB has not completed his role by 2019, not even all the politicians put together will be able to stop him. If they try, they will fall for his sake. BUT, if God decides that he has finished his work, he will do himself and his family the greatest favor by bowing out honorably.

My greatest concern for now is how PMB sees and plays his role in this New Nigeria Project.
He is to address the final leg of the sub structure stage. He is to get us to think straight, to bring back holy fear, to rid us of excesses and impunity. He is to restore sanity, and address the issue of corruption frontally. He is to restore patriotism and nationalism. The assignment is not about him, his offenses, or for retaliations.

Have you noticed how he is seemingly getting 'demystified'? Have you wondered why?
It will get worse until PMB 'tears' his cloths and cries to the people that he is not the saviour, messiah, or demi-god with awesome powers to do and undo. This is God's project and not any man's.
Next, we must manage our expectations and understand that the New Nigeria Project will take quite some time. If PMB is able to get us to think straight in four years, the proper foundation would have been laid for the super-structure (above foundation) construction of our individual and collective Progress and Economic Prosperity. When out attitude is right, then will come sustainable power and infrastructure almost effortlessly. Our Housing, Healthcare, Education and other sectoral challenges in our economy will be addressed. Nigeria will become a preferred destination, our currency will become strong, people will rather choose to live in Nigeria than travel abroad to live, the green passport will become an object of pride that would commands the respect of international communities.
These are not wishes. They are pre ordained divine pronouncements.

I have tried to point out a few incidences that some had assumed to be mere coincidences -while others hardly noticed. Inspite or despite, with or without, the Nigeria Project is not negotiable.

The international community has limited role to play. The answer is here with us.
Mr President must refocus, redirect, reconsider, retreat, return, and reorientate us to rebuild our nation. No country will, or even can, do this for us. Like the woman in the labour room, we must be the one to PUSH the baby from our womb.
Every Nigerian has a baby that must be born. Like an experienced midwife, Mr President must skillfully guide us through this delivery process.
What we do not see about us, other nations do. We are a real threat to many nations, how silly will they be to 'help' us? Remember Pharaoh and the Israelite women in labour? They will only come to kill our babies on instruction from 'Pharaoh'!!! But it will not happen, They will only watch us deliver our babies!

May God, in His infinite mercies help us to see us for who we really are -a chosen people, a blessed nation, a special and favoured country, and not beggars.
It is well with Nigeria in Jesus Name.


Arc NYA-ETOK, Ezekiel.
Arc Nya-Etok's "MY NIGERIA

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