Thursday, January 7, 2016

How God Used My Barrenness to Shame My Mother-in-Law - A Wife Tells Her Touching Story

In this most touching and uplifting relationship story, a woman has shown how her endurance put her enemies to shame while winning the heart of the man she called her husband. 

Dear Readers,
My marriage is 24 years now. I am 44 years, today is my birthday too. I married when I was 19 years, out of hardship and loss of motherly care, my mother died when I was 3 years old, so my father married a terrible woman who beat the hell out of me and my brothers.
So let me tell you about my married life. I got married married at 20 to a man whom I found as my best friend, courted him for 2 years and we got married, his parents were so nice to me, especially his father, but two years into the marriage no child yet, his mother changed. 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15years nothing came. It wasn't easy for me. On the 15th year of my marriage was when I was promoted to the office of a manager where I work .
That was the worst year of my life, my mother inlaw called me all sorts of names, me and my husband were medically ok, but I never stopped trusting God. So one day, I fell sick that I stayed weeks at the hospital, nobody to cook for my husband, my mother came and seeing situation of things went back to the village and brought a certain lady, I won't call her a girl because she has reached the age of 24years. When I came back from hospital, I personally told mama, that this lady is old enough to marry, she started saying, is that the thank you that I will tell her for bringing a helper to me. Before I knew it my husband flared up, saying that I am ungrateful, I apologized and decided to leave the girl. 
After 11 months, that she came , she became pregnant, I never heard it from my husbands mouth, what broke my heart was that I heard it from my mother inlaws mouth, she told me to my face that God has proved her sons innocence, that her son is not impotent, I hurriedly left for work because I am used to mamas talks, without reading meaning into her words. When I came back from work, I couldn't find the girl , only for my husband not say to me that she has gone back to village with mama, I was like why, he said I should sit down lets talk.
He said to my face that, if I can't get pregnant for him, that I should be able to allow another do what I cannot do, I was like ok, that if he wants to marry another wife, that it's alright by me, because I have advised him on that before so his mother can let me have my peace . He said he has gotten a girl pregnant and he is traveling to the village, that can I follow him? I said but at least you should have shown me the person, that when did he start behaving funny, he said to me that it's this girl mama brought for me. ( it was really hard for me to swallow when I heard that) I blatantly told him, am not going, that how could he be this careless, my own house help!
He went married the girl, brought her home! Attention was shifted for my side to hers. I accepted my fate and decided to leave my unborn children in Gods hands. What I refused to do was to leave my room. I refused not be intimidated by my mother inlaw. My work was my only confidant. He married her April 2006, and we welcomed a baby girl that year, it was a bouncing angel, she was so beautiful, full of life, and we lost her to cold 2007, the mother was a careless woman. She took in again and had a miscarriage ( twice) 2008, I went for summer leave abroad, quarrel set in, for good three years my husband never touched me, we sleep in the same room but he doesn't care at all. 
My phone rang at night when I picked it was him, saying when am I coming back, I was like, in one week time, he said ok. When I came back, the way he held me inside the room shows that he is undergoing some trauma of some sort. His bears were looking so unkept, his nails were all in different shape and sizes! I first took him to have a hair cut! Came back cut his nails, the lady herself never greeted me, I entered the kitchen and cooked for my husband, he ate and slept till morning. Two,three days, he never woke up early to go to work, I asked him why are you not up early, he said he has been sacked, and that he is owing his company, I asked what do u use the money for, he said he used it to make papers for the lady to go abroad and deliver, but she was denied the visa! I laughed.
My story is a long one, pardon me please. My husband has no savings anymore. I feed , cloth, and cook for him, his mother and the lady. He started making love to me again, I can't deny him my body because he is my husband. I have lost hope of taking in, but God proved me wrong. 2011 February I fell sick, terribly thinking it was malaria I went to the pharmacy and bought malaria medicine, took it and continued my work, I started throwing up and my husband asked me to get to the hospital, when I got there, they conducted the tests and pregnancy came out positive, I refused believing but told my husband.
I gave birth, and it was a boy, when my baby was 8 months again, I took in, gave birth again, it was a boy, and am pregnant of my third child now. When my second son came, the lady picked up quarrel with my husband and started telling the both of them to settle her that the contract marriage is over, that the barren woman has been vindicated. She said a lot of things saying my husband said am his ATM machine, that he will never run dry of money, a whole lot but today I give God the glory!
My mother inlaw left my house in shame! She has refused visiting, my husband himself feel so ashamed though I have told him that I have forgiven him. Where I am able to face this trial and become a conqueror, every woman should face all temptations with patience, God never sleep nor slumber!
My condition really showed me that KARMA IS REALLY A BITCH!
From Annonymous grateful wife.
Shared by Cynthia Uju Raphael, a relationship expert and manager.

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