Friday, April 1, 2016

DAILY AWARENESS:Conquering Doubt Wednesday March 30, 2016

Indeed, the greatest enemy in our life is doubt, and its opposite, certainty, our greatest power.

But what is certainty really? Well for me, it is the knowing that each and everything I do—whether out of kindness, love, care, sincerity, or compassion—is Up There waiting to come back around for some place and time when I need it.

This is the certainty I am talking about. It is the confidence that the Light of the Creator is present for us and around us always, and whatever we put out into the universe will return to us in equal force and measure. Just as the waves rush into shore and then rush back out to sea, so too do we receive what we give.

Remember that, ultimately, our actions are only for ourselves. We are the ones who benefit or do not benefit from the positivity (and negativity, too) that we put out into the universe. Yes, we need to share and love whoever it is that happens to be in our picture, but ultimately, whatever positive actions we take will make our own lives better.

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