Friday, April 29, 2016

DAILY AWARENESS Thursday April 28, 2016:Approaching the 7th of Pesach day Israelites met the red sea

We are approaching the seventh day of Pesach, which begins tonight at sundown and ends at sundown tomorrow. On this day, the Israelites found themselves in a situation that seemed hopeless—the Egyptians were behind them and the sea was in front of them, and they were panicked. 

We've all reached moments like this in our lives. We all come to our own Red Sea. We get to the place where we realize that our business is not working or this relationship is not working or this challenge seems insurmountable. 

But in the story we read that when the Israelites, in their desperation, cry out the Creator, He replies, Why are you crying to me? I’ve already given you the tools…I’ve already told you that YOU are capable of changing the very nature of things in this world. 

Friends, the Creator wasn’t just talking to the Israelites in the story. He is talking to you, to me, to all of us, right here and right now, telling us WE, through the power of our own consciousness and the spiritual tools, are capable of rising up, overcoming, and splitting our own Red Sea. 

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