Sunday, November 15, 2015

Amending your Marriage.

Amending your Marriage needs your cooperation and determination to make it new and more lovely.
Someone will ask, 'More Lovely?' Yes even better and sweeter than it use to be. Why and How. When editing your piece, you don't edit to complicate it, but you edit to make it clearer, therefore when renovating your marriage, you don't need to bring in suspection or wall of laws (does and don't), the very work starts with removing every suspection, hatred, and all dislikes. Followed by building happiness and togetherness. Mr man/Mrs woman, go home and embress you wife or husband! Propagander has never helped any relationship, therefore put your ears off and stop listening to your family or friends. Make your home(marriage) comfortable so that you can also be comfortable at home. Have a good romance together and a good prayer life. It is not difficulties in marriage that mostly brings a divorce but negative actions from one or both partners. The rebuilding starts with you. Therefore, deal with yourself first.

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