Tuesday, November 24, 2015

7 Ways To Improve Your Mood Instantly

7 Ways To Improve Your Mood Instantly

We all have good days, as well as days we really wish we did not get out of bed. Stressful or sad times are a normal part of life and we cannot avoid it.
But just because we have bad days does not mean we have to wallow in our misery. Staying sad and depressed would end up having a negative impact on your health. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do that will instantly improve your mood. Take a look at them below.

1. Music: Music has been proven to make you feel better. If you are feeling blue, try listening to an upbeat song that you love, let the rhythm permeate your consciousness and you will soon feel your body begin to respond in return.
2. Dance: If possible, move your body to the rhythm. Your mood might cause you not to want to do this, but you definitely should. The first few seconds might be uncomfortable if you are forcing yourself, but soon, your body will start to get into the beat and you will literally dance your worries away.
3. Laugh: Yes, this might sound ridiculous but sometimes, actually forcing a laugh out of yourself can make you feel better. A lot of people have found that once they start, they begin to remember things that are funny and the laughter goes on quite easier.
4. Cry: Are you so down that laughing is physically impossible? Then go ahead and have a good cry. Find a private place, think about the things that make you sad then give yourself a few minutes to cry it out. Cry until you feel numb, and you might notice you feel a bit freer and less moody. Sometimes, we hold on to pent up pain and sadness that a good cry will give you a much-needed release so you can find the strength to move on.
5. Find company: Just because you are depressed does not mean you should be alone. Spending time among friends can go a long way to make you feel better.
6. Exercise: Just like dancing, doing a physical activity usually make you feel better. Take a walk, go on a run, do a few push-ups, it depends on you. Working up a sweat usually helps people feel a lot better.
7. Be grateful: Sometimes, we are so wrapped up in our own misery that we forget that a lot of people have it worse. Take time out and count the blessings in your life. Be thankful because  people are desperately searching for some things you already have. When you focus on the good in your life, it gets more difficult to be sad about the bad.
Hope we have been able to feel better today. Remember, if you find that you have endless hours and days of sadness,  if you have feelings of hopelessness or harbouring suicidal thoughts, then you might be going through depression. Do seek help from counselors, medical doctor or a trusted religious leader.

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