Friday, November 20, 2015


My daughter, I know you are wondering why I am crying
today. I am not crying because I am sad. I am not crying
because I dislike you. I will tell you why I am crying.
Many years ago when I got married. My hope was to have
a daughter first because I was the only daughter and
back then my mum was never around. When I got
pregnant, I had to do operation before I gave birth to
your husband, since then I can’t give birth again.
But today, I am crying tears of joy that I finally have a
daughter to call my own. You have no Idea how long I
have hoped to have a daughter until this day that I have
you. I know you are here to be a second mother to my
son but let me assure you that I will not compete with
you. No, I will not fight you but I will love and support
Before I return to my house and leave you to be with
your husband. Let me tell you few things you should
know about your husband.
When your husband was 10 years old, he lost his father
in a car accident. He was closer to his father than he was
to me. Guess what? He was inside that car when his
father died but he survived. Ever since that day, his life
has never remainrd the same. He started living in fear
and pain. He was failing at school, he will cry every
morning. I had to take a break from work to be there for
him. To cover that vacuum.
So as you take over today from me, I know he still has
those fears, I am begging you, do not just be his wife but
be his mother, be his father and be his best friend.
There is something about him I know you will like. I
trained him how to cook. He may even cook better than
you! So you don’t have to worry about cooking all the
time. He enjoys cooking! If he cooks affang or Edika-
ikong, you will love it! Something happened when your
husband was 23 years. It was one evening. I returned
from work late. I immediately made dinner and he never
came out to greet me which was unusual. So I went into
his room. I found him on the floor, he was crying. He
was seriously crying. When he saw me, he wanted to act
strong but I let him knew I understand. You see, he had
failed in five attempt to get admitted into school. He felt
he will remain a failure forever. He told me he hated
himself. And want to die. When I looked around I saw a
poison hidden under his bed I had to take him into my
arms. Pet him and show him love.
Please, sometimes he will be sad. He will be down. He is
a man outside but sometimes he can be a boy, he may
cry. Just understand and show him you love and support
Let me tell you this, he can be very stubborn sometimes
but I will tell you how to handle him. Whenever he is
angry, he will either scream or he will keep mute. The
best way to handle him at this time is to leave him
alone. I promise you it won’t take long, he will be in your
arms again.
Before I forget, he loves watching football! He can watch
football all day. I know you love watching African magic
or telemundo. I will leave the two of you to sort that out
but I advice you both learn what each person like and
like it too.
Do you know what? He always forgot to switch the light
off when he is tired. That means you may be the one
switching off the light, I did that every time.
My daughter, I want you to enjoy your marriage because
I enjoyed mine Even though I lost my husband early but I
won’t compare the years I spent with him to anything. I
will only visit when am needed. You will have no problem
with me. Don’t forget to call me if you have problem
using the gas cooker beside the dish washer, it can be
difficult to operate some times.
Enjoy your marriage my daughter and be a mother, lover
and friend to my son.

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