Monday, November 30, 2015

Violence in APC headquarters Abuja over Kogi election

Violence erupted outside the APC headquarters in Abuja this afternoon over the inconclusive election in Kogi state. Some thugs numbering over a thousand attempted to attack the party's choice in the December 5th supplementary election, Yahaya Bello as he arrived the secretariat this afternoon to attend a meeting with top party leaders. The thugs engaged the supporters of Yahaya in a free for all fight. Police and other security agents are working to restore law and order.

The governor and his love to attend owambe parties.

The governor of Enugu state is a man known for his ability to make everyone feel carried along.
Pre  election witnessed him opening his doors to every person or group that want to be heard or contribute to his electoral progress. He made personal phone calls to lure any person that is seen to be in opposition.
Post election the governor changed tactics.There is no social event that the governor do not attend, child naming, child dedication,child baptism, shop dedication,one year remembrance, wedding ,trad marriage, dowry payment ,burial etc though not a woman man person he uses this as avenue to meet with electorates or rather to payback to people who helped him during election but could not be absorbed in any of the appointments.Hope this will not boomerang as he may not be able to meet up with the increasing owambes during this festive season.What happens to delegation of aide.The SAs ,EAs  and commissioners should be made to attend such functions.-Emma Aroh.

Buhari's trips are not for enjoyment - Shehu Garba

Senior Special Assistant to President Buhari on Media and Publicity, Shehu Garba, has responded to criticisms by Nigerians over the frequent Foreign trips Buhari has made since he assumed office in May. According to Garba, the trips being made by Buhari are not for enjoyment. He said this in an article he posted on his facebook this morning. Read below...

I have been amused, reading a number of jokes concerning the frequency of the President, Muhammadu Buhari's foreign trips. Questions have been raised about why so many visits, and what are the benefits Nigeria is getting? 
I will make it clear from the beginning that the critic is entitled to his and her opinion and nothing said here is intended to silence him or her. Criticism goes with the territory and as it is often said in a wisecrack, if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen. President Muhammadu Buhari came into office under the mantra of change. While Nigerians are yearning for change, you need someone who will set up the infrastructure, both at home and abroad for it. President Buhari is busy doing that. The change is manifest in where he visits and what he does. In the delegations accompanying him abroad, President Buhari has slashed the numbers, bringing them down to a tolerable or the bearable minimum. He went to the United Nations General Assembly in September with an unbelievable 32 officials in his delegation. These included his cook, his doctor and luggage officer. His predecessor in office went to the same meeting with 150 officials and family members the year before. Wherever they are given government accommodation and feeding, members of President Buhari's entourage receive reduced allowances, thereby saving the government some money. In public diplomacy, experts say that it is better conducted throughface-to-face interaction than through third parties. This is even moreso at the level of heads of state. To do by it by proxy is to miss the effect of fostering strong interpersonal relations between leaders, by which nations benefit. President Buhari has so far visited Germany, South Africa, USA, Niger, Tchad, Cameroon, Benin, Ghana, South Africa, India, Iran and Malta, where we are presently for the Commonwealth Summit. Mostly, these were due to either the United Nations, EU, African Union or energy and security-related summits. They were mostly undertaken to attend specific meetings, not State Visits. Looking at these assignments, the trips are inescapable for the President. What would Nigerians say of their leader when see the array of world leaders assemble, as they would shortly be doing discussing climate change in Paris on Monday and their own President is missing from the table? Those of us who were around under Abacha read all the taunts about him being a sit-at-home leader. Abacha was despised for not representing his country abroad. President Buhari's foreign visits have been marked by punishing schedules. They are always business-like and results-oriented. All trips have been marked by tight schedules. Meeting after meeting, happening back-to-back morning, afternoon and evening. The President has had to travel overnight for some of these meetings. The visit by any president to another country is the highest act in international relations. It sends out a message that that county is important to the visitor. It is not like your usual vacation abroad. Official discussions involving political leaders, the military, the diplomats and at times, business people are held at multi- track levels. In foreignpolicy you stand on a quick sand of events and you slip up if take a rest or lose focus. Governments also know that their achievements at home will be meaningless if they cannot project them abroad. Who or where are the foreign investors,whose hand you are seeking if you can't travel meet them? Will they come if they don't know about the country? President Buhari demonstrated a keen understanding of these when in the first week of his taking the office, he brought together foreign policy and all three cardinal objectives of his administration-security,economy and war on corruption- by embarking on visits to neighboring countries. In our recent history, much of the West had ignored Nigeria under the corrupt PDP administration for many years, which warranted the country's tilt towards some Asian countries. As a consequence, this country has suffered past isolation of various types, including the denial of access to the arms-purchase market. As a member of the then Standing Committee of the Nigerian Guild of Editors, I remember being in a delegation that visited the Aso Rock Villa, to beg the government at that time not the execute the writer and activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa. At the meeting with the Number Two man in that government, Major-General Oladipo Diya, he announced to everyone's shock and disbelief that Ken had been executed. "Honestly," he muted, "I think he has been executed about two days ago." What followed that pronouncement was a global outrage. The then Foreign Affairs Minister, Arch. Tom Ikimi representing Nigeria at the Commonwealth meeting in New Zealand, shattered the feelings of the leaders of those countries when he announced to them that he had not been briefed about the executions and begged for time to talk to the leaders back in Nigeria. Nigeria faced an imminent expulsion from the group and would have been so sacked but for the intervention of the then President of South Africa, late Nelson Mandela. In place of this extreme form of sanction, a suspension and and a barrage of sanctions followed and remained in place until an appreciable remorse was was shown and progress made towards the return to democracy by Nigeria. Throughout that period of time, it was difficult being a Nigerian in the international space. As council members of the UN Human Rights Commission, Africans would caucus in Geneva without us Nigerians. Like lepers, we were shunned wherever we showed up. I mentioned this short narrative to illustrate two things: one, for a country to do the right things all the time and two, you don't know the joy being a part of international gatherings until you suffer the pain of exclusion from them. Short of begging the world, there was nothing that the Abacha government didn't do to be taken back into the Commonwealth. And it is against this background that I felt the need to pen this opinion in the hope of bringing better understanding to fellow countrymen and women on the current subject matter. There is no reason to be angry with anyone criticizing President Buhari for traveling abroad. In politics, even if President Buhari were to bring with him a suitcase full of cash and a potgold each time he returned from a trip, someone will criticize him, saying that the journey is wasteful. The PDP will kick, knowing that they got 16 years and did nothing with it. Those who didn't do much during their term of governance will find it instructive to fault whatever the President is doing. If President Buhari is successful as a leader, the PDP will be history. My own point here is that he is doing a great job and the fruits are here, and many more will soon come. He is working to strengthen diplomatic relations, trade and the security of our nation. He holds serious meetings with serious investors and has fetched us investments in the range of billions of US Dollars. Now, countries such as France, UK, The U.S are supporting Nigeria with intelligence, weapons and training for our military against Boko Haram and the economic saboteurs in the Delta region. President Buhari will definitely make Nigeria great,what the PDP fooled us for 16 years. All heads of countries around the world now take Nigeria seriously. His foreign trips are for business, security of the country and bilateral contacts- contacts that get actualized by follow-ups and the love and support a leader enjoys at home and abroad. Today the world is in a warm embrace of President Muhammadu Buhari. Nigerians should be proud of the attention, love and admiration, importance, respect and investment he is bringing to Nigeria. These trips are not for enjoyment. Lastly, to answer those who ask all the time, what is he bringing back home? We are not a country of beggars. It is good if something is in the bag as the leader comes home from a trip. Culturally, we never return home from a trip without a souvenir for everyone left at home. Yes it is good he declares something upon his return. But the most important task for the President at this time is to reset the image of Nigeria abroad, given the damage it sustained over many years in the past. So far, in fairness, the President has projecteda large image of Nigeria and of himself which should be a matter of pride for all our citizens. Marketing of Brand Nigeria can never be more important than currently it is. The President is doing a great job for the nation. He needs to be supported.

Buhari's trips are not for enjoyment - Shehu Garba

Senior Special Assistant to President Buhari on Media and Publicity, Shehu Garba, has responded to criticisms by Nigerians over the frequent Foreign trips Buhari has made since he assumed office in May. According to Garba, the trips being made by Buhari are not for enjoyment. He said this in an article he posted on his facebook this morning. Read below...

I have been amused, reading a number of jokes concerning the frequency of the President, Muhammadu Buhari's foreign trips. Questions have been raised about why so many visits, and what are the benefits Nigeria is getting? 
I will make it clear from the beginning that the critic is entitled to his and her opinion and nothing said here is intended to silence him or her. Criticism goes with the territory and as it is often said in a wisecrack, if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen. President Muhammadu Buhari came into office under the mantra of change. While Nigerians are yearning for change, you need someone who will set up the infrastructure, both at home and abroad for it. President Buhari is busy doing that. The change is manifest in where he visits and what he does. In the delegations accompanying him abroad, President Buhari has slashed the numbers, bringing them down to a tolerable or the bearable minimum. He went to the United Nations General Assembly in September with an unbelievable 32 officials in his delegation. These included his cook, his doctor and luggage officer. His predecessor in office went to the same meeting with 150 officials and family members the year before. Wherever they are given government accommodation and feeding, members of President Buhari's entourage receive reduced allowances, thereby saving the government some money. In public diplomacy, experts say that it is better conducted throughface-to-face interaction than through third parties. This is even moreso at the level of heads of state. To do by it by proxy is to miss the effect of fostering strong interpersonal relations between leaders, by which nations benefit. President Buhari has so far visited Germany, South Africa, USA, Niger, Tchad, Cameroon, Benin, Ghana, South Africa, India, Iran and Malta, where we are presently for the Commonwealth Summit. Mostly, these were due to either the United Nations, EU, African Union or energy and security-related summits. They were mostly undertaken to attend specific meetings, not State Visits. Looking at these assignments, the trips are inescapable for the President. What would Nigerians say of their leader when see the array of world leaders assemble, as they would shortly be doing discussing climate change in Paris on Monday and their own President is missing from the table? Those of us who were around under Abacha read all the taunts about him being a sit-at-home leader. Abacha was despised for not representing his country abroad. President Buhari's foreign visits have been marked by punishing schedules. They are always business-like and results-oriented. All trips have been marked by tight schedules. Meeting after meeting, happening back-to-back morning, afternoon and evening. The President has had to travel overnight for some of these meetings. The visit by any president to another country is the highest act in international relations. It sends out a message that that county is important to the visitor. It is not like your usual vacation abroad. Official discussions involving political leaders, the military, the diplomats and at times, business people are held at multi- track levels. In foreignpolicy you stand on a quick sand of events and you slip up if take a rest or lose focus. Governments also know that their achievements at home will be meaningless if they cannot project them abroad. Who or where are the foreign investors,whose hand you are seeking if you can't travel meet them? Will they come if they don't know about the country? President Buhari demonstrated a keen understanding of these when in the first week of his taking the office, he brought together foreign policy and all three cardinal objectives of his administration-security,economy and war on corruption- by embarking on visits to neighboring countries. In our recent history, much of the West had ignored Nigeria under the corrupt PDP administration for many years, which warranted the country's tilt towards some Asian countries. As a consequence, this country has suffered past isolation of various types, including the denial of access to the arms-purchase market. As a member of the then Standing Committee of the Nigerian Guild of Editors, I remember being in a delegation that visited the Aso Rock Villa, to beg the government at that time not the execute the writer and activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa. At the meeting with the Number Two man in that government, Major-General Oladipo Diya, he announced to everyone's shock and disbelief that Ken had been executed. "Honestly," he muted, "I think he has been executed about two days ago." What followed that pronouncement was a global outrage. The then Foreign Affairs Minister, Arch. Tom Ikimi representing Nigeria at the Commonwealth meeting in New Zealand, shattered the feelings of the leaders of those countries when he announced to them that he had not been briefed about the executions and begged for time to talk to the leaders back in Nigeria. Nigeria faced an imminent expulsion from the group and would have been so sacked but for the intervention of the then President of South Africa, late Nelson Mandela. In place of this extreme form of sanction, a suspension and and a barrage of sanctions followed and remained in place until an appreciable remorse was was shown and progress made towards the return to democracy by Nigeria. Throughout that period of time, it was difficult being a Nigerian in the international space. As council members of the UN Human Rights Commission, Africans would caucus in Geneva without us Nigerians. Like lepers, we were shunned wherever we showed up. I mentioned this short narrative to illustrate two things: one, for a country to do the right things all the time and two, you don't know the joy being a part of international gatherings until you suffer the pain of exclusion from them. Short of begging the world, there was nothing that the Abacha government didn't do to be taken back into the Commonwealth. And it is against this background that I felt the need to pen this opinion in the hope of bringing better understanding to fellow countrymen and women on the current subject matter. There is no reason to be angry with anyone criticizing President Buhari for traveling abroad. In politics, even if President Buhari were to bring with him a suitcase full of cash and a potgold each time he returned from a trip, someone will criticize him, saying that the journey is wasteful. The PDP will kick, knowing that they got 16 years and did nothing with it. Those who didn't do much during their term of governance will find it instructive to fault whatever the President is doing. If President Buhari is successful as a leader, the PDP will be history. My own point here is that he is doing a great job and the fruits are here, and many more will soon come. He is working to strengthen diplomatic relations, trade and the security of our nation. He holds serious meetings with serious investors and has fetched us investments in the range of billions of US Dollars. Now, countries such as France, UK, The U.S are supporting Nigeria with intelligence, weapons and training for our military against Boko Haram and the economic saboteurs in the Delta region. President Buhari will definitely make Nigeria great,what the PDP fooled us for 16 years. All heads of countries around the world now take Nigeria seriously. His foreign trips are for business, security of the country and bilateral contacts- contacts that get actualized by follow-ups and the love and support a leader enjoys at home and abroad. Today the world is in a warm embrace of President Muhammadu Buhari. Nigerians should be proud of the attention, love and admiration, importance, respect and investment he is bringing to Nigeria. These trips are not for enjoyment. Lastly, to answer those who ask all the time, what is he bringing back home? We are not a country of beggars. It is good if something is in the bag as the leader comes home from a trip. Culturally, we never return home from a trip without a souvenir for everyone left at home. Yes it is good he declares something upon his return. But the most important task for the President at this time is to reset the image of Nigeria abroad, given the damage it sustained over many years in the past. So far, in fairness, the President has projecteda large image of Nigeria and of himself which should be a matter of pride for all our citizens. Marketing of Brand Nigeria can never be more important than currently it is. The President is doing a great job for the nation. He needs to be supported.

Hilarious! See pupil's answer when she's told to Find x

No be una say make she find X? X wey una don dey find since. She's told you guys where the X is nah! Lol...

Amaechi orders probe of maritime academy over N18bn remittances

Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi has ordered a probe into the financial activities of the Maritime Academy of Nigeria (MAN), Oron, Akwa Ibom State and N18 billion remittances to the institution by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) in the last five years. Amaechi gave the order following allegations of financial recklessness and large scale fraud leveled against the academy’s rector, Joshua Okpo.

The academy's rector had recently approached Amaechi to accuse NIMASA of starving the institute of Funds. Amaechi immediately called for a meeting with the management of NIMASA and enquired from them why it was sitting on the subvention of MAN, Oron.

This claim was however refuted by NIMASA's acting DG, Haruna Jauro who told Amaechi that the agency had remitted over N18 billion to the academy since 2009. At the enquiry of the minister, the MAN rector, Okpo said he only took over in 2011 to which NIMASA declared that a sum of N13 billion was remitted to the institution since the rector took over. When asked what he had done with the N13 billion remitted to the academy since he took over as Rector, Okpo kept giving incoherent and inconsistent answers. This made Amaechi to immediately call for a probe.

Muslim elites in the North Started Boko Haram - Rev Kukah

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Kukah, says that the Muslim elites laid the foundation for Boko Haram in Nigeria. Kukah said this while delivering a lecture titled ‘The Muslim agenda for Nigeria: Challenges of development and good governance’, at a conference organised by the Islamic Welfare Foundation at the Fountain University, Osogbo in Osun state recently.

“A hypocritical elite continues to believe that it can claim the benefits of democracy but use it only to consolidate its hold on power. This is what has laid the foundation for what is now Boko Haram. We must locate the current crisis of Boko Haram within the context of the inability of the northern Muslim elite to live by their own dubious creed of being Muslims. They preached Sharia Law but only for the poor. They preach a religion that encourages education, yet their own people are held in the bondage of ignorance. They came to power on the basis of a democratic society but they turned around and declared Sharia to generate a false consciousness among the poor that they want a theocracy. They did not wish to live by the same standards, so they decided to live their own Islam in the capitals of the world away from the prying eyes of their own people. Boko Haram began as a revolt against this mendacity, subterfuge and hypocrisy. Now, I hear Muslims in northern Nigeria hiding under the cover of the facts by saying: ‘These Boko Haram people are not Muslims. They do not represent us’. Well, first, they are your own children. You must take responsibility for what has made them what they are today and to the rest of society. They claim they have been inspired by the Quran and no other holy book. They say they want to build an Islamic state. So, they are Muslims. After all, from the debates of the Constituent Assemblies of 1979, 1988, and 1995 and beyond, did their fathers and grandfathers not stage walkouts, demanding Sharia Law? Was it not to tame them that President Ibrahim Babangida declared what he called ‘no-go areas’ in the debates about our constitution? “The promise to institute Sharia has become the most potent tool for political mobilisation and organisation. Till date, the tactics may have changed, but the essence has not. Rather than face the tough questions of how and why over 15 million children in the northern states are on the streets; how and why the northern states are falling behind on almost every index of development, the northern Muslim elite continues to live for just the moment, with no plans for tomorrow. Should we pretend that a society that allows the forced marriages of its young daughters could frown on the idea of a group kidnapping and forcing young girls into sexual slavery? Islam must have an honest look at the mirror and have an internal discussion.”he said

Muslim elites in the North Started Boko Haram - Rev Kukah

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Kukah, says that the Muslim elites laid the foundation for Boko Haram in Nigeria. Kukah said this while delivering a lecture titled ‘The Muslim agenda for Nigeria: Challenges of development and good governance’, at a conference organised by the Islamic Welfare Foundation at the Fountain University, Osogbo in Osun state recently.

“A hypocritical elite continues to believe that it can claim the benefits of democracy but use it only to consolidate its hold on power. This is what has laid the foundation for what is now Boko Haram. We must locate the current crisis of Boko Haram within the context of the inability of the northern Muslim elite to live by their own dubious creed of being Muslims. They preached Sharia Law but only for the poor. They preach a religion that encourages education, yet their own people are held in the bondage of ignorance. They came to power on the basis of a democratic society but they turned around and declared Sharia to generate a false consciousness among the poor that they want a theocracy. They did not wish to live by the same standards, so they decided to live their own Islam in the capitals of the world away from the prying eyes of their own people. Boko Haram began as a revolt against this mendacity, subterfuge and hypocrisy. Now, I hear Muslims in northern Nigeria hiding under the cover of the facts by saying: ‘These Boko Haram people are not Muslims. They do not represent us’. Well, first, they are your own children. You must take responsibility for what has made them what they are today and to the rest of society. They claim they have been inspired by the Quran and no other holy book. They say they want to build an Islamic state. So, they are Muslims. After all, from the debates of the Constituent Assemblies of 1979, 1988, and 1995 and beyond, did their fathers and grandfathers not stage walkouts, demanding Sharia Law? Was it not to tame them that President Ibrahim Babangida declared what he called ‘no-go areas’ in the debates about our constitution? “The promise to institute Sharia has become the most potent tool for political mobilisation and organisation. Till date, the tactics may have changed, but the essence has not. Rather than face the tough questions of how and why over 15 million children in the northern states are on the streets; how and why the northern states are falling behind on almost every index of development, the northern Muslim elite continues to live for just the moment, with no plans for tomorrow. Should we pretend that a society that allows the forced marriages of its young daughters could frown on the idea of a group kidnapping and forcing young girls into sexual slavery? Islam must have an honest look at the mirror and have an internal discussion.”he said

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bishop chukwuma ordered gburu not to enter government house and demolish it

The ArchBishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province of the Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chukwuma, on Friday in Agbani, Enugu warned of a powerful demon residing at the Enugu State Government House.

The ArchBishop who spoke at the burial ceremony of former First Lady of Enugu State, Nnenna Agnes Nnamani, warned that the Enugu State Governor, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi should not move to the Government House, while plans should be made to demolish the government house or “we chase the demon away.” Nnenna is the wife of former Enugu Governor, Senator Chimaroke Nnamani.

ArchBishop Chukwuma, who presided over the burial service attended by many other Bishops and priests, said the demon was targeting the Governors and their wives. He noted that even though Ugwuanyi and the wife loved themselves so much but once they moved into the Government House, the demon would destabilize them. The cleric said such problem was not the fault of the Governors and their wives but that of the demon.

President Buhari Has Failed Nigerian Youths’ – APC National Youth Leader

The National Youth Leader of the All Progressives Congress, Hon. Ibrahim Dasuki Jalo, says President Muhammadu Buhari has failed in carrying the Nigerian youth along in his government.

Jalo stated this yesterday in Abuja at a workshop organized for the APC youth in collaboration with the International Republican Institute, with the theme “The Role of Youths in post-election era.”

According to the APC youth leader, no youth made it as a minister in President Buhari’s cabinet. Jalo said: “There is this saying that the youth are leaders of tomorrow but in Nigeria today, the tomorrow seems endless.

After all we are leaders of today not tomorrow because we have waited long enough and this tomorrow remains an elusive business.” He bemoaned a situation whereby the Nigerian youth which constitute the majority of the voters with about 60 per cent of the total voting population, are used and dumped after the elections, saying it should be stopped forthwith.

Nigerian Lady Allegedly Raped by Late Abubakar Audu’s Sons Shares More Details On Abuse

A twitter user “@sugabelly” who accused Late Governor Audu Abubakar’s children of raping her has shed more light into the incidence. Sharing the details on her blog she wrote;

”Every time I see a white Nissan Altima, my palms go sweaty, and my knees get weak.

It’s an involuntary reaction born of so many nights being driven around Asokoro pinned to the floor of Tunji’s white Nissan Altima, barely able to breathe, the stench of weed stinging my eyes while I choked on the penis of whomever it pleased Mustapha to force me to pleasure that day.

”I can’t have music playing while driving around in a car either. Or just sitting around at home. I can’t have music playing period. Especially not Maroon5. If I get into your car, please drive in fucking silence or you will make it hard for me to breathe.

”Right now there are thousands of people running wild with their “opinions”, talking authoritatively about what Mustapha, Abdul, Tunji, and their band of friends and brothers did to me, as if they were there. As if they hovered around us unseen like evil spirits, listening to everything that was said, seeing everything that happened, as if they know.

”In the beginning, Mustapha and I would go out for lunch, and I’d put gas in his car, and we’d buy our own shawarma, and eat out of each others. I had a massive crush on him, and he told me he loved me, and called me “his woman” which made me feel special. I was getting paid 20K a month, which is nothing now, but it was my first real salary back then, and it was nice to have more money of my own to spend, and spend on him I did.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Buhari's policies annoying and sending away investors- Bloomberg

International Business magazine, Bloomberg yesterday published an article title "Buhari Bounce Becomes Bust as Nigeria Policies Irk Investors". The article states that President Buhari's policies since assuming office has continued to chase investors away and has dashed the hopes of many who believed in him when he assumed office. Read the full text of the article below

"When Muhammadu Buhari clinched victory in Nigeria’s presidential elections in March, stocks soared as investors looked to the former military ruler to reverse decades of economic mismanagement and policy inertia. 
Now hopes have fizzled in his ability to turn around Africa’s largest economy and oil producer. Money that flowed into stocks and bonds in the West African nation, which McKinsey & Co. says could become one of the world’s 20 biggest economies by 2030, is now fleeing as growth prospects diminish along with oil prices. While Buhari, 72, has prioritized stamping out the graft that has plagued Nigeria since independence from Britain in 1960, policy-making appears as uncertain and haphazard as ever. “After the initial euphoria, people have become disillusioned,” Ayodele Salami, who oversees about $500 million of African equities as chief investment officer of London-based Duet Asset Management Ltd., said by phone. “He would probably say that he’s being deliberative and cautious. But we expected more.”

Duet’s Africa fund has cut its investments in the country to about 24 percent of the total from 38 percent in the last year. Buhari waited five months before naming his cabinet, hasn’t proposed a clear plan to revive growth and backed foreign-exchange controls aimed at defending the naira. His retention of gasoline subsidies, plans to raise spending in the face of declining revenue and silence about a $5.2 billion fine levied on mobile-phone operator MTN Group Ltd. have added to investor unease. Nigeria’s benchmark stock index has plunged 22 percent since reaching a year-high on April 2, the day after Buhari was declared the winner of the presidential race against incumbent Goodluck Jonathan. That’s the third-worst performance globally in the period, after the bourses in Ukraine and Egypt. The index advanced 12.5 percent in the two days after Jonathan conceded. To be sure, Buhari inherited depleted government coffers and a bureaucracy that multiple probes have blamed for looting billions of dollars of oil revenue. The president has said he delayed appointing ministers because he needed time to vet suitable candidates. Garba Shehu, a spokesman for Buhari, didn’t immediately respond to written questions after requesting they be sent that way. The hiatus has compounded the pain caused by the slide in the price of crude, which accounts for two-thirds of government revenue and 90 percent of export earnings. Growth, which averaged 6.3 percent annually over the past decade, is set to slow to a 16-year low of 3.3 percent this year, according to the median estimate of 15 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Many filling stations ran dry this month as the government withheld fuel subsidies to suppliers, preventing them from restocking. Lengthening lines forced Buhari to ask lawmakers for permission to pay 413 billion naira ($2 billion) in overdue payments, an amount that hadn’t been budgeted for. While next year’s budget has yet to be finalized, Buhari wants to raise spending by 56 percent, according to a person who attended a briefing on the government’s plans and asked not to be identified because the matter is private. Vice President Yemi Osinbajo says the government plans to spend its way out of a slowing economy and that an infrastructure fund will be created with public and private financing. The penalty imposed on MTN’s Nigeria unit last month for failing to register about 5 million subscribers may be an attempt to plug the hole in government finances, according to Cobus de Hart, an economist at NKC Independent Economists. “You cannot deny there might be a fiscal element to the massive fine,” he said by phone from Paarl, near Cape Town. “It will make investors a little bit more wary of investing in Nigeria.” An even bigger concern for many investors is the authorities’ naira policy. The Central Bank of Nigeria, with Buhari’s backing, has burned through $4.3 billion of reserves this year and choked off supply of foreign exchange to banks and their customers to defend the naira, even as major oil exporters such as Russia and Colombia have let their currencies slide. The restrictions prompted JPMorgan Chase & Co. to remove Nigeria from its local-currency emerging-market bond indexes, tracked by more than $200 billion of funds, in September, triggering a selloff in the nations’ assets. While the naira has been all but fixed at about 198 to 199 per dollar since March, forward prices suggest it will drop by almost one-fifth, to 243.5, in a year. The number-one issue is the exchange rate,” Andrew Howell, a Citigroup Inc. frontier markets strategist, said from Lagos. ”Access to foreign exchange is becoming a widespread problem.” Nigerian Breweries Plc, the nation’s biggest brewer that’s controlled by Heineken NV, said it takes two weeks to obtain dollars to pay for its imports, twice as long as it required a few months ago. Nestle SA’s Nigerian unit has had to wait six weeks for dollars, according to Renaissance Capital Ltd. analysts. Buhari has won plaudits from leaders including President Barack Obama for his effortsto tackle graft. He replaced the management of the state oil company, which was accused of withholding billions of dollars from the government, and has stepped up the fight against an insurgency being waged by Islamist group Boko Haram. “The degree of transparency we’re starting to get with the new administration is hugely positive,” Douglas Rowlings, an analyst at Moody’s Investors Service, said in an interview in Lagos. “It gives investors the perception that operating in Nigeria will now be done following proper procedures.” Jan Dehn, head of research at Ashmore Group Plc, which oversees almost $60 billion of emerging market assets, remains unconvinced that Buhari is up to the job. The fund manager sold all its Nigerian government debt in the past year. “So far the Buhari administration has done all the wrong things,” Dehn said by phone from London. “Not only has he been incredibly slow in taking any action, when he finally has taken action on the economic front it’s been diametrically opposed to sensible policy. That is a major disappointment given expectations prior to his election.”

Buhari must seek second term- Senator Yerima

Former Zamfara state governor and now Senator representing Zamfara West constituency in the Senate, Sani Yerima says that President Buhari deserves to seek a second term in office after his first tenure has elapsed. Yerima said this at an interactive session with journalists in Abuja yesterday Nov. 26th.

“I don’t think there is any vacancy. As far as I am concerned, President Buhari must go for a second term. You see he has come back with something new; the man is incorruptible.”he said

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Kogi APC nominates late Prince Audu’s son as Governorship candidate

Read the press statement I received below...

Leaders of All Progressives Congress (APC), in Kogi East Senatorial District have nominated Mr Mohammed, 43, first son of Late Prince Abubakar Audu, to replace him as the party’s governorship candidate. The leaders, stakeholders and delegates who made this known in Lokoja on Thursday after a marathon meeting, said they arrived at the decision after due consultations.

Their spokesman, Mr Daniel Isah, the Vice Chairman of APC in Kogi East, said they have resolved and are determined to back Mohammed to replace his father if the National Working Committee orders fresh primaries. Isah thanked the Independent National Electoral Commission and the national leadership of the party for the opportunity given to them to find a replacement for Audu who died on Nov. 23 at Ogbonicha, Ofu Local Government.

He appealed to the national leadership of the party to give their decision utmost consideration and approval in the overall interest of the party and the state. Present at the meeting were AlhajiLinchoOcheje, Hon. Hassan Omale, Hon. Benjamin Ikhani, and Sen. Emmanuel Dangana, among others.

PDP chieftain wife heads (Ag chiarman) NDLEA

Roli Bode George, the wife of PDP Chieftain, Bode George has assumed office as the acting Chairman of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA. Her appointment comes after the former chairman of the anti-drug agency Ahmadu Giade retired from office on Wednesday November 25th after serving the agency for 10 years.

 Giade handed over to the Roli Bode-George in a parade at the Ikoyi headquarters, Lagos. Roli was appointed DG of the agency in June 2014 by former President Goodluck Jonathan.

PDP takes stand on Kogi : Declare pdp winner,resignation of AGF,INEC BOSS

Communiqué Issued At The End Of The Emergency National Caucus Meeting Of The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Held On Wednesday, November 25, 2015.
The National Caucus of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) met on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 in Abuja wherein it thoroughly considered the developments arising from the conduct of the inconclusive governorship election in Kogi state and resolved as follows;
1. Completely rejects the decision of INEC in yielding to the unlawful prompting of a clearly partisan Attorney General of the Federation (AGF), Mallam Abubakar Malami, to allow APC to substitute a candidate in the middle of an election, even when such has no place in the Constitution and the Electoral Act.
2. Insists that with the death of its candidate, Prince Abubakar Audu, the APC has legally crashed out of the governorship race as no known law or constitutional provision allows the substituting of candidates, once the ballot process has commenced.
3. Insists that with the unfortunate death of Prince Abubakar Audu, the APC has no valid candidate in the election, leaving INEC with no other lawful option than to declare the PDP candidate, Capt. Idris Wada as the winner of the election.
4. Notes that the combine reading of the provisions of the constitution and Electoral Act does not in any war whatsoever support the substitution of candidates for election in the middle of the ballot process.
5. Notes that if APC is allowed to substitute its original candidate, then the party would have fielded two separate candidates in the same election, a scenario that is completely alien to our electoral laws and to any known democratic norms and practice world-over.
6. Caucus observes that the APC, fully aware that it has no case before the law is now orchestrating confusion in the polity with a view to diverting attention from its glaring incompetence and failure of governance.
7. Observes that the leadership of INEC as presently constituted under the Chairmanship of Prof. Mahmood Yakubu has demonstrated that it is incapable of neutrality and as such cannot be vested with the conduct of the Kogi governorship supplementary election as well as the December 5, 2015 Bayelsa governorship election.
8. As a result, caucus demands the immediate resignation of the chairman and all national commissioners of INEC to pave the way for a new non-partisan commission to conduct the forth-coming elections.
9. Caucus also demands the immediate resignation of the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF), Mallam Abubakar Malami for deliberately misleading INEC into arriving at the unconstitutional decision of allowing APC to substitute its candidate in the inconclusive election.
10. Notes that in order to save the nation’s democracy from imminent collapse, the PDP as a critical stakeholder will immediately challenge this unlawful and unconstitutional decision by INEC in the court.
11. Caucus also alerts that the AGF, INEC and APC are creating a scenario where a loser in a primary will patiently wait for the winning candidate to finish election and then have him either poisoned or assassinated before the final collation of results.
12. Caucus calls on the international community to prevail on the APC government to stop this ceaseless assault on our democracy.
Chief Olisa Metuh
National Publicity Secretary

We will stop boko haram with N8.7billion - IGP

Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase says the Nigerian Police Force will require N8.7billion to effectively fight Boko Haram. Arase said this while speaking at an interactive session with members of the House of Representatives Committee on Police Affairs today November 26th.

He told the house members that there was a N57bn outstanding due to the Nigerian police that was appropriated but has not been released till date.

Northern Lawmakers kicks against birth control, says it is anti-Islam and a direct attack on their religious beliefs

A member of the lower chamber of the National Assembly, Babatunde Gabriel Kolawole on Tuesday, November 24, moved for the motion titled "Need for the federal government to curb population explosion in Nigeria." Kolawole in his arguement urged the Federal Government to come up with a policy to check the alarming rate of population growth and to educate Nigerians on the importance of family planning through the National Orientation Agency (NOA).

The Lawmaker based his arguement on a recent report by a United States Population Reference Bureau which projected that Nigeria's population will increase to 433 million in 2050. However, the motion was strongly objected by some members of the House from the north who said it was a direct attack on Islam. In particular, Sani Abdul, from Bauchi State noted that the motion was unnecessary and a waste of time.

In his arguement, Abdul suggested that Nigeria's resource and landmass can carter for any population explosion. Zakare Mohammed in his contribution pointed out that though he was not against the motion, he advised that the country’s culture must be preserved. Adam Jagaba argues that the motion is within the ambit of the constitution and did not contravene any part of the House’s rule.

Speaker Yakubu Dogara intervened and advised members to be guided by national interest. "I don't think there is an attack on any religion," Dogara said. "The motion is looking at a policy on population in ensuring planning. It is calling for the development of a policy on population. So i don't see how it attacks any religion" he added.

The controversial motion was later referred to the House Committes on Justice, Population, Rules and Business for further legislative contribution.

Biafra Agitation: How to stop BIAFRA agitation,Employ The Federal Character- APC Chieftain

Rev Simeon Nwaulu, a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has said that a strict adherence to the principles of federal character can quell the storm stirred by the ongoing Biafra agitation.
Nwaulu, the Na­tional Coordinator of Ro­chas Fan Club,  urged the fed­eral government to strictly adhere to the tenets of the federal character, as a means to restore peace to the federation.
He proffered the solution on Wednesday,November 25, at a press conference in Owerri, Imo state.
There in Owerri, Nwaulu noted that margin­alisation has become one of the burning issues in the country that needs to be ad­dressed for peace to reign.
Therefore, he stressed that a revisit of the federal character will be a panacea for the agitation of Biafra.
He said: “There is no doubt that of all the six geo-political zones of Nigeria, the Southeast is the most marginalised in everything.”
The APC henchman, noted that the for­mer vice president, Dr Alex Ekwueme, and few others spearheaded the formation of Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) in 1998,“but shockingly, he was denied the presiden­tial ticket of the party in 1999, because he was from the South-East zone. Owelle Rochas Okorocha was de­nied twice the presidential ticket in 2003 and 2007 be­cause he was from the South East.
“The resurgence of pro- Biafra agitators is due to the marginalisation of the people of South-East and the Federal Government has to urgently address this anom­aly if there is to be progress in the country,” Nwaulu opined.
Meanwhile, a popular prophet in Imo state has prophesied that Nigeria will be drenched in blood if the federal government refuses to release the chief agitator for Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi.

Acting chairman PDP Secondus under attack to resign over chairmanship position

Gulak, Youths Want Secondus To Step Down, Run To Court

There are indications of a brewing crisis in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) over the chairmanship position.
This comes on the heels of report on The Sun that angry youths and women stormed the Federal High Court premises in Abuja to demand that Chief Uche Secondus, the acting national chairman of the PDP should resign.
Boardroom recalls  that the PDP and Uche Secondus were dragged to court by Ahmed Ali Gulak, a former special adviser to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan.
Chief Uche Secondus, the acting national chairman of the PDP
Gulak filed a suit at the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, on November 19, challenging Secondus continue stay in office.
According to him, Secondus should vacate the seat for somebody from the Northeast to take over and complete the tenure of Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu, who resigned after the March, 2015 presidential election.
Ahmed Ali Gulak, a former special adviser to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan.
Gulak is pleading with the court to restrain Secondus from parading himself as acting chairman and to compel him to cause a replacement from the Northeast as provided for in the party’s constitution.
However, Secondus will have to wait a little to know his fate as the case didn’t hold yesterday, November 25, the presiding judge was attending the All Judges Conference in Abuja.
Awaiting the arrival of the judge, angry youth led by their leader from Delta state, Prince Afoke Okporuwa, said they could not watch the PDP continue to suffer.
They urged him (Secondus) to adhere to the party’s constitution by stepping down.
However, due to the unavailability of the judge, the case was adjourned to Monday, November 30, 2015.
Speaking to newsmen, the petitioner, Alhaji Gulak said that Secondus had frustrated every effort to get the party to adhere to its constitutional requirement, at such the resort to judicial remedy was the way forward.
In the same light, Okporuwa stated that the youth and women were in the court to clearly ask Secondus to go.
“We are here today to state categorically that we do not support illegality, we do not support impunity; we do not support usurpation and more significantly, we do not support political exclusion,” he said amid shouts of “Secondus Must Go” from the over 2, 000 youth and women with him.
Uche Secondus, who until recently was the deputy national chairman, took over from Adamu Mua’zu after he resigned from the office in May.

Breaking news: Obasanjo replies Jonathan's Letter

Former president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, has finally replied immediate ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s letter which was written two months ago.
Jonathan had written his estranged godfather, seeking blessing for his next public engagement: The Goodluck Jonathan Foundation. In the , Jonathan addressed the former president as “Dear Baba” as he informed him that after his handing-over of power to President Muhammadu Buhari, he is proceeding on a“long deserved break.”
Obasanjo has however replied him,  advising him (Jonathan) to use the new Foundation he is set to establish to engage in soul-searching and in reviewing his past actions. In the letter, dated October 12, 2015, Obasanjo also advised Jonathan to consider the Foundation as a platform through which he can heal his conscience and demonstrate penitence over his past actions.

Obasanjo’s letter dated October 12, 2015, Premium Times reports read:
Dear President Goodluck Jonathan,
“I write to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of September 22, 2015. I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your successful handover to the current President of Nigeria, H.E. President Muhammadu Buhari.
“I am happy to note that you had a good rest and time with your family during the break. I hope you also had time to reflect and see what lessons you have learned and what you can bequeath to others.
“All of us who have had experience in our service to the nation and to humanity must not put it under the bushel.
“I have to commend you and your Foundation, Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, for the faith you continue to have in Nigeria.
“Maybe seeking how to be better and more serviceable to the nation and humanity is also a form of penitence and soul-searching to give conscience a relief and to show remorse.
“I wish you well as you continue to forge ahead with your activities in the coming months and years. If there is any area you feel I can be of help, you should not hesitate to call on me.
Yours Sincerely,
Olusegun Obasanjo
Meanwhile, Goodluck Jonathan was appointed as a leader of a 33-nation observer mission to monitor the election in Tanzania.

God told me Nigeria will break up, Biafra will emerge – Prophet

Pro-BiafraThe General Overseer of God’s Covenant of Christ Sabbath Mission, Amannachi in Orsu Local council Area of Imo State, High Priest Clifford Nmenabu, has warned that Nigeria may be soaked in blood if the Federal Government fails to release detained Director of Radio Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
Mmenabu called on the international community to prevail on the federal government to release Nnamdi Kanu to avert the looming bloodshed in the country.
The cleric, who addressed a cross section of journalists yesterday, said that “Kanu was not speaking against anybody or group of persons. His broadcasts were truth-oriented and consciousness-awakening. It was a divine arrangement for a renaissance and liberation of a particular sect who have been under bondage.”
He revealed that the prophecy of the coming of a geographical entity called Biafra was revealed to him in 1971, a year after the end of Nigeria-Biafra Civil War.
According to him: “The revelation came this way: The spirit of God showed me a finger that pointed at the Nigerian map. It subsequently showed the map divided in two, one part was named Biafra and the other, Nigeria. Also in 1996, God visited and showed me, in a trance, where properties belonging to Nigeria were kept in a place at the Bridge Head, Onitsha. While some of the properties were thrown across to the Asaba end of the Niger bridge, the other was thrown across to the Onitsha end. The prophecy also says that the one thrown to Asaba area belongs to Nigeria, while the other belongs to Biafra.”
Nmenabu maintained that the Biafran project must come to fruition adding that the recent bombings in the country and particularly the bombing of the Catholic Church in Abuja were signs of ‘liberation’.

South africa fights Nigeria back over mtn:Chris Oyakhilome facing trouble in South Africa over money he makes there

Chris Oyakhilome is facing trouble in South Africa after refusing to comply with government orders to release his financial records. According to a report in News 24, several prominent church leaders have not adhered to the demands of the South African Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities. 

The Commission, led by Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva is investigating the commercialisation of religion and the abuse of people's beliefs within South Africa, where Christ Embassy has several branches.

“These people take money from people. What are they doing with that money? We want to know. We will not back down,” she said.

All those summoned to the hearings are required to produce their ordination certificate, the church registration certificate, bank statements and the annual financial statements dating from 2012.

“Some of these religious leaders will face prison if they do not comply and we have been clear about our course of action," she insisted.

Mkhwanazi-Xaluva singled out Oyakhilome, stating that he insisted he would fight the commission in court before releasing his records. 

“If he intends on that route, we are ready. He will have to face the same fate as the others who refuse to hand over their financial records,” she said. 

In contrast, a source who attended the hearing of South African Bishop Stephen Zondo, stated that Mkhwanazi-Xaluva cited an equally controversial Nigerian megachurch leader, T.B. Joshua, as an example of one who openly used his finances to assist the less-privileged, something she expected of all clergy.

Source: News 24

5 months as a governor, I am already tired - El Rufai

Kaduna state governor Nasir El-Rufai says the stress of seeking ways of creating jobs for the teeming unemployed youths in Kaduna state has left him tired after just 5 months of assuming office. El Rufai said this while speaking at the just-concluded Ake Arts and Book Festival which held in Abeokuta, Ogun State November 17-21.

“As a state governor the challenge for me is what to do to create jobs in Kaduna State. Eighty-two per cent of the eight million people in Kaduna State are below the age of 35.
My challenge is not whether population grows next year or the year after. It is to get jobs for this young people, otherwise no one will sleep in peace. Frankly speaking, five months as governor, I am already tired. I honestly do not think that anyone who wants to do this job seriously can do it for more than four years and not burn out. When I look at some of my colleagues, some are putting on weight, they are looking nice, I ask them, ‘how do you do it?”he said

Policeman shoots wife dead by accident

The police in Lagos have arrested Corporal Yinka Oloko, who allegedly shot his wife dead in the Egbeda area of the state at about 10pm on Tuesday in their home.
Punch Metro gathered that Oloko, who is attached to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, Ikeja, had returned home and had started to undress, while trying to remove his pistol from the holster, the gun went off and hit his wife who was sitting on the bed on her lap.

Oloko and some neighbours who heard the gunshot rushed the woman to a nearby hospital, but she reportedly died before they got to the hospital.
According to a police source, the matter was a case of an accidental discharge.
He said:
“It was a case of an accidental discharge. The police corporal was not careful in removing his pistol from the holster. When he got home on that evening, his wife welcomed him and they went to the bedroom.
“As he was undressing, he removed the gun and wanted to place it on the bed when it discharged. The bullet hit the wife’s lap. He was the one that rushed his wife to the hospital. She died before they got to the hospital. He was thereafter arrested and detained in the Ikeja Police Division although the incident happened in Egbeda.”
The Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Joe Offor, confirmed the arrest.
He said:
“The policeman has been arrested, and handed over to the Deputy Commissioner of Police, SCID, for investigation. The incident involved him and his wife. It was a sort of a discharge rather than a fight. Investigation is still ongoing.”

Minister Solomon Dalong confirms date for N5,000 payment to unemployed youth.

The minister of youth and sports, Solomon Dalong during a condolence visit to the national chairman of the APC, John Odigie-Oyegun, over the death of Abubakar Audu on Wednesday said that the promise to pay N5,000 to unemployed youths is not contained in the 2015 budget but it will definitely begin in 2016.

Mr. Dalong who spoke to ​ journalists​ during the visit​ said:
“I would want the youth to understand that every promise must be backed up by budgetary provision and our promise to pay N5000 is not contained in the 2015 budget. So, definitely, it is going to begin in 2016 as we have made budgetary allocations for that
“We are committed to the campaign promises of creating jobs, providing wealth and combat poverty. We have embedded in our manifesto things that we are translating to reality​.

48 not 500 Nigerians were deported from the UK

It was learnt that 44 men and 4 females were deported from the UK. They arrived aboard a chartered flight, Titan Airways no ZT3931, at 8am at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Ikeja, Lagos State yesterday.
The deportees were said to have been stranded at the airport waiting for family members and friends to come pick them up.

It was gathered that while 26 of the deportees had passports, 22 others were issued Emergency Travel Certificates by the Nigerian High Commission in the UK.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5 cancer-fighting spices everyone should have in their kitchen

Know Your Foods

Herbs and spices many times add great flavour to food, but they also have great additional value - many of them are highly nutritious while some even prevent certain diseases.
play(Humann Health
A popular quote says, 'you are what you eat'. No truer words were ever spoken.
We eat primarily for survival, and also to satisfy cravings and desires. But more often than not, we take for granted the potential good or harm certain foods can bring us.
Herbs and spices many times add great flavour to food, but they also have great additional value - many of them are highly nutritious while some even prevent certain diseases.
Here are 7 cancer-fighting spices everyone should have in their kitchen:

  1. Ginger: Ginger quells everything from constipation to colds and it's also great for nausea which can be a side-effect of cancer treatment.
  2. Turmeric: Still in the ginger family, turmeric is one of the ingredients that make many curries yellow and gives it its distinctive flavor. It contains curcumin which has demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially protecting against cancer development.
  3. Red pepper: These contain capsaicin, a compound that can relieve pain, another side effect that can be brought on by cancer.
  4. Garlic: Garlic  has a high sulfur content and is also a good source of arginine, oligosaccharides, flavonoids, and selenium, all of which are great for the body. Several studies suggest that increased garlic intake reduces the risk of cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast by inhibiting bacterial infections and the formation of cancer-causing substances, promoting DNA repair, and inducing cell death.
  5. Peppermint: Not the sweets now. Peppermint leaf helps with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and food poisoning. It can also be a relief for sore throats and painful mouth sores

UK deports Nigerians leaving there families behind

Shortly before they were bundled into the plane yesterday, one of the Nigerians deported from the UK spoke to Detained Voices, a site which shares stories, experiences and demands made by people held in immigration detention centres in the UK or those who have family members or partners in detention. Read his story after the cut...

 Basically, the charter flight is for today and they’re trying to get us on the flight. But here lies the problem. We all know very well, according to the rules anyway, if they want to take us they have to get travel documents for all of us. But then they have already issued travel certificates for everybody without anybody actually signing for it. How does that work? Obviously there have been allegations this week against the home office and against the Nigerian embassy about, you know bribary, to make sure she issues travel documents for people without their knowledge, you understand what I mean. According to the information we are getting, each person gets £3000. Basically, all of us have been sold to the British Government to do whatever they wants to do to us. We’ve been very calm. We’ve asked them can you get the home office to explain how they’ve got travel documents for us when we didn’t sign for it. Obviously that’s fraud because I haven’t signed for anything. How are we supposed to follow the rules and regulation when those rules and regulations of the Home Office clearly doesn’t apply to them. They actually break the law on a regular basis. They bribe people on a regular basis. Half of the people on the flight today have family here. They shouldn’t be going to Nigeria in the first place. I left Nigeria 17 years ago, right, I was 9 years old when I left Nigeria. I had only really lived in Nigeria for 6 years. And you are telling me it’s okay you can go back there. To where? My dad passed away last month. Who am I going back to? Who am I going back to? My sisters here, my brothers here. My niece has very big health problems. She’s got heart issues. They’re in London. She needs help on a regular basis. My sister cannot handle it. We are just sat in the room basically. We are waiting for the officers to forcefully remove us. We are just in the room waiting. Because at the end of the day, they haven’t answered our questions.