Friday, February 5, 2016

A visionless life is a meaningless life by Sunday Adelaja

‘In my little experience of travelling to over 60 countries of the world, I have discovered that the more ado we make about this topic, the less understanding ordinary people seem to have of the true meaning and relevance of the topic’

Not minding the fact that our modern world is full of motivational speakers, life coaches, trainers, etc. Yet one of the central teachings of these speakers cannot still be said to be well understood by our generation.
VISION – what a hot cake theme for the global market of life coaches and motivational speakers. Every speaker sees the topic of vision as the integral part of life coaching itself. Companies, industries and schools, pay out millions of U.S. dollars to get some high flying speakers to come visit them with a speech especially on the topic of vision. The general market of motivational speaking and life coaching is now in the range of 156 billion U.S. dollars annually.
Are people getting their money’s worth? Is the message really reaching the pew? Are ordinary individuals improving their lives, making their world a better place just because of their understanding of the role and place of vision in life? Well, I am not very sure of that.
That is why I have found it necessary at this juncture of my expository series of articles to address the topic of vision. It’s role, importance and essence in every individual’s life. I therefore hope that this little contribution to the discourse would help at least a few to seek a vision for their lives and begin to live a meaningful, purposeful and intentional life.
In my little experience of travelling to over 60 countries of the world, I have discovered that the more ado we make about this topic, the less understanding ordinary people seem to have of the true meaning and relevance of the topic. Churches bring in speakers to talk about vision. Preachers do more of motivational speaking. Leadership classes start with the topic of vision and still ordinary church going believers can hardly tell you in clear terms how their lives are modelling this teaching.
As a matter of fact, apart from large multi-national and national companies, not too many people in our world could boldly say their lives reflect the truth and significance of the message of vision. So why the disconnect?
The reason for the disconnect might be in the fact that we must stop looking at vision just as a topic, just another subject on the table. Vision must cease to be the in-thing, a selling subject. Vision should not just be a rallying point for speakers. In actual fact, vision should not just be viewed as a speaking engagement topic. Vision must be viewed rather as a subject of life and death. Vision has to be considered to be connected to the very meaning of an individual’s life. Vision must be seen as something so significant without which a life is not considered worth living.
Vision has to be regarded as an ingredient in life that causes life to be purposeful. It is what makes meaning of life. It is what gives common sense to industry. It explains enterprise. Vision must stand behind every human endeavour.
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.” – Helen Keller
There must be a vision rather than instinct in the purpose of marriage. Vision must be the reason behind jobs, employment and engagements. Vision should be the explanation for education. School attendance should not be a matter of duty, but a subject of vision. Graduation should not be motivated by good employment, but by vision.
Excellence must not just be driven by salary. Excellence has to be driven and powered by vision. Vision should be the explanation for child bearing and child rearing.
• Vision is the pursuit
• Vision is the inspiration
• Vision is the energy
• Vision is the power
• Vision is understanding
• Vision is wisdom
• Vision is common sense
Allow me dear readers to tell you my own understanding of the significance and importance of vision. My studies of the scriptures has brought me to the realization that our very lives are given to us for a vision, a purpose and a mission. That is to say, life itself is about vision. A human therefore is entrusted with life so as to carry out a vision. So, vision becomes the goal and essence of life, while the human existence is the means for carrying out the vision. The vision for which the man was created in the first place.
“Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” Habakuk 2:2
What I am trying to say is that:
• You were not created by God almighty for pleasure.
• You were not created by God almighty for enjoyment.
• You were not created by God almighty for self.
• You were not created by God almighty for egocentrism.
• You were not created by God almighty for children, but for vision.
• You were not created by God almighty for family, but for vision.
• You were not created by God almighty for schools, but for vision.
• You were not created by God almighty for work, but for vision.
• You were not created by God almighty for wandering, but for vision.
• You were not created by God almighty for survival, but for vision.
Ladies and gentlemen the reason for your visit to planet earth is for a vision. A purpose and a mission. You are therefore only but an instrument to fulfill that vision. So life is about vision, men are created to fulfill some heavenly vision or the other. Vision from God is the only reason for man’s entrance into the earth. Vision from God is the only thing that supersedes man himself.
That is why the son of God, the lord Jesus Christ could sacrifice his very life for a vision. How is that possible? Because the vision surpasses the life. Even though Christ’s life was terminated at the middle age of 33, yet the vision survived him.
That is how each one of our lives are supposed to be modelled. A life given out to vision, a life fully lived for vision and a life if necessary that could be sacrificed for vision. Vision therefore is the essence of life, while people are means of carrying out the vision. God’s vision, heaven’s vision, divine Vision, earth’s vision, personal vision and universal vision.
Bringing this message home to each and every one of us privileged to participate in this discourse. Can you confidently say that you are a person of vision? What is the vision you are living for? What is your life’s vision? Do you have any global vision? Any general vision? Any personal vision? Is it well defined? Do you have clarity in your vision? Could you be woken up at 3am and still be able to tell anyone your vision? What are you doing for the actualization of your vision?
God is a God of vision. A scripture that has inspired me over the years on the emphasis God places on vision is in Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
That is quite compelling isn’t it? Let’s examine some of the truths that God is trying to point us to in this scripture:
That little statement right there “before I formed you in the womb I knew you” speaks volumes. God is demonstrating himself here as the God of the beginning and the end. He is actually telling us that he as God almighty, actually finishes something before he begins it. That is why he is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end at ones, at the same time.
The implication of that is, before God starts to create you, he had finished the plan for your life, he had seen the end of your life before he even started the process of your creation. So what we now see as your creation, your Beginning, is only the Alpha that is been manifested after the Omega had been completed. God does not begin something without first finishing it. God did not begin your life without him complementing your vision. It is because your vision had been completed that you were created.
In a layman’s explanation, God only created you after he had perfect the vision and purpose for which he wanted you to live. We could say God created you to carry out the vision for which you were created. Life is about vision. A man or woman is created as an instrument to fulfill that vision.

Copyright The Eagle Online. 

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