Thursday, February 11, 2016

20 rules every woman should follow to be successful in life

It’s not easy being a woman in modern days. But these 20 unspoken rules will help you start on the right track.

1. Never have bad breath. Carry gum at all times!
2. Know your drink limit. No more blackouts, throwing up or stumbles.
3. Have three affirmations that you live by. They should include self-love, motivation and flexibility.
4. Don’t gossip about other women. Instead, lift them up.
5. Do squats and leg lifts every day. Your butt will be beautiful.
6. Learn that sexy is a mindset. If you don’t think you’re sexy, no one will.
7. Always be yourself. Don’t change for someone!
8. Always smell good.
9. Be supportive of your friends’ goals and dreams. Help them in any way you can.
10. If you can’t properly walk in heels, don’t buy them or wear them out.
11. When you’re negotiating salaries, ask for the same amount of money a man does.
12. It’s OK to be single and focus on your career and yourself. Every woman needs to date herself before she can go out there and find Mr. Right.
13. When you go out, always have cab money handy.
14. It is perfectly OK to have sex. It is perfectly OK to want to have it.
15. Every year, create a list of goals and follow it.
16. Have a secret savings for emergencies and long-term goals.
17. Tell truth about your age.
18. Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure regularly.
19. Read daily.
20. Have your own sense of style. Make your outfits your own.

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