Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My rape story true life story

A female LIB reader sent this in. Please read below...

When I was barely 17 years old, I got admission to the University. I was young and all alone, and I met this friend, who later became my roommate. She was on the wild side, and sooner or later, I started wanting to be like her.

She introduced me to a lot of guys and I must admit that at a point, I wanted to have sex and lose my virginity, but when it really came down to it, I just could not go through with it. That is until I met Stanley . . . . I was 17 (almost 18) and he was 35.

Initially I was scared because I have never really been that close to a man of that age who showed interest in me, but he soon convinced me to relax and trust him. Sooner or later, we started dating (even though he was engaged to be married as at then, but I didn't know . . .  but that's a story for another day). Anyway, on one of those nights, he came to visit me in my room, (I was still scared of going to his room alone) while my roommate was away, and even though I didn't want to, he forcefully had sex with me. It took him a loong time to penetrate because it was my first time, but he persisted, even though it was excruciatingly painful and I was crying profusely. He held my mouth tight and forced himself deep into me all the while panting like a he-goat. When he was finished, he said 'why did you say you were a virgin, where is the blood . . . ??' I cried even harder cos not only have I just lost my virginity to a rapist, I knew a part of me was lost forever. 

After he left, I went to clean myself up and discovered I was bleeding profusely. Till date, I don't know what caused the bleeding (I think he must have ruptured something). The bleeding continued all through the night and by morning I was losing my breath and feeling faint. When my room-mate came home, I told her what happened and she took me to a chemist who prescribed some medication for me; after which I felt better. He asked me if I was over 18 and I lied and said yes. This happened over 15 years ago and this is the first time I am talking about it.

Even after ruthlessly abusing me and callously taking away my virginity, Stanley just wouldn't let me be. I guess he thought he had landed a gold-mine. Someone to use as a sex toy whenever he likes. He would stalk me, wait outside for me, hang around my department and hope to catch me alone. But my dear roommate was always around to keep me safe from him. I would tremble whenever I saw him and not be able to utter a word; my roommate would scream at him to leave me alone and stay away from us. I never went anywhere without her for a long time,  for fear of running into him. Eventually, he got tired and left me alone. I shudder to think of what would have been my fate if my roommate wasn't around to protect me.

Even though you have refused to comment on, or post anything about Sugarbelly's story, RAPE is real. A lot of young girls are passing through hell in the hands of their so-called boyfriends, all because they don't know any better. I don't know what really happened between Mustapha and Sugarbelly, but we need to kick against, not just raped, but grown men having sex with minors. 

Thankfully I am married today to a wonderful man, and have beautiful daughters and I have vowed to protect them with my blood, at least until they are able to protect themselves. Mothers should be more careful in raising their girl-child. Teach them self dignity, preservation and confidence.

It's time we stand up and say a big NO to RAPE and STATUTORY RAPE!!!

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