Thursday, December 10, 2015

Catholic Bishop criticizes the Obama administration as regards to ISIS

The Chaldean Bishop Frank Kalabat of Detroit in a congressional committee expressed his disappointments at the US government under the President Obama’s administration for their inability to pronounce the act of killings of the Islamist extremists for what it is, “Genocide”.
“The US government should not turn a blind eye to the genocidal atrocities, Proclaim it for what it is.” Bishop Frank Kalabat said on December 9, according to a Detroit News report.

“The Obama administration again refuses to recognize their plight, I say, shame on you.” he added.
A representative Chris Smith in-line with Bishop kalabat disagrees with the US government for omitting ISIS action against Christians and only acknowledging ISIS actions against the Yezidis as “Genocide”. “This is absurd.” Chris sai

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