Wednesday, December 30, 2015

CARETAKER COMMITTEE :Accident about to happen in Enugu

Information  on our desk reveals that Enugu state government  has concluded to return local government chairmen that have not done two tenures come January 2016.
Many have wondered why performance will not be used as yardstick for such appointment  that is very critical to the development of the local areas.
A pertinent case is that of Nsukka and Udenu local government chairmen Mr UGWU Charles and Amaechi Nwodo who are owing workers 9 and 7 months salaries respectively.
Are we saying that Udenu and Nsukka are lacking men and women of integrity and sense of purpose? Some of the proteges of these men have argued  that they had good intentions but for the turn around of the economy which made them not to be able to fulfill their basic responsibility of paying workers salaries, but it will be noted that the Economic summersault did not affect their flamboyant way of life.
Is the governor trying to support mediocrity in his judgement  to save the face of these underperformed men to the detriment of thousands of life that have suffered because of their lacklustre performance.
Can a local government Chairman borrow money from Bank or individual for the local government without the consent of the councilors? This single  uncompromising decisions  were taken and the masses are suffering from it while no new innovation were brought up to Boast the welfare of workers of the Council areas. If the chairmen that have not done two tenures be returned then it means continuation of suffering of the workers as it's an act of promoting mediocrity and encouraging non performance.
It will also serve as a Lee way for the emergence of alternative opposition party in Enugu State.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Son hacks his father to death in Enugu on Christmas Day

A young man identified as Anselm Ugwoke killed his father on Christmas Day in Enugu during a heated argument. The deceased is identified as Paulinus Ugwuoke, 60, from Imilike Agu in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu state. The spokesman for the Enugu State Police Command who confirmed the incident said the police were on the culprit's trail.

It was gathered that on December 25, at about10pm, Anselm Ugwuoke had engaged the father with his friends in a serious exchange of words over a yet to be established issue and later resulted in the alleged hitting of the father with an object which left him unconscious and later was confirmed dead thereby throwing the community into mourning mood.

It was further gathered that having noticed what has happened,Anselm and his friends took to their heels. A full scale investigations have commenced into the alleged incident while manhunt on Anselm and friends have been intensified Just as the Elder brother to Anselm one Sunday Ugwuoke has expressed grief and surprise over the death of their father as allegedly occasioned by his younger brother and friends.

"I 'm still in shock over what has happened but i know that we will still get Anselm"
 Sunday said.

The body of the deceased is now deposited in a nearby hospital for post mortem examinations.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

OMG!! Knockout Banger Amputates 10 Year Old Boy At Enugu (Very Graphic Photo

10-year old boy’s right arm is in positioned for full amputation at the National Orthopedic Hospital in Enugu State as a result of Xmas firework also knows as knockouts which exploded and shattered his hand as he was handling it on Christmas Day…

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Half of cardiac arrest sufferers ignore potentially life saving warnings

The heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. Blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs, and without treatment, within minutes a person is typically dead.

But, a new study has suggested that sudden cardiac arrest isn't so sudden as half of sufferers experience warning signs hours, days, sometimes even weeks before cardiac arrest strikes, doctors at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles discovered.

However, most people ignore those symptoms – and miss a chance to save their own lives, according to the study.

Study leader Dr Sumeet Chugh said: ‘By the time the 911 call is made, it’s much too late for at least 90 per cent of people.

‘There’s this window of opportunity that we didn’t really know existed.’


The study offers the possibility of one day preventing sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest kills nearly 350,000 people in the US alone each year.

Though it’s commonly confused with a heart attack, cardiac arrest is different – and much worse.

It causes the heart’s electrical activity to be knocked out of rhythm, abruptly stopping it from beating.

CPR can buy time before an ambulance arrives, but few patients survive.

As a result it’s been hard for the medical community to tell whether cardiac arrest is a strike with little or no advance warning.

Scientists closely tracked sudden cardiac arrest in Portland, Oregon for more than a decade.

They examined records for nearly 1,100 people aged 35 to 65 who suffered a cardiac arrest between 2002 and 2012.

They also used interviews with family, friends and strangers who witnessed the patient’s collapse.


For around a quarter of patients, the scientists couldn’t find any information about whether they experienced symptoms – making it tough to say how common warning signs are.


However, of the remaining 839 patients, half had evidence of at least one symptom in the previous month.

Most of those people had symptoms within 24 hours of their collapse – though some came a week before and others up to a month.


Chest pain was the most common symptom in men. While women were more likely to experience shortness of breath.

Other symptoms included fainting and heart palpitations.

Furthermore, the study found that only a fraction of patients considered their symptoms bad enough to call 911 before they collapsed and those people were the most likely to survive.

University of Pittsburgh emergency medicine specialist Dr Clifton Callaway, who wasn’t involved in the study but chairs the American Heart Association’s emergency care committee, said: ‘Chest pain, shortness of breath – those are things you should come in the middle of the night to the emergency department and get checked out.‘We strongly recommend you don’t try to ride it out at home.’


A person’s chances of experiencing cardiac arrest is also increased if they’ve had previous heart attacks, coronary heart disease and certain inherited disorders that affect heartbeat.

People who know they are at a high risk may receive an implanted defibrillator to shock their heart back into rhythm.


But because cardiac arrest is such a public health problem, the Institute of Medicine kicked off a national campaign to teach CPR last summer, so that bystanders know how to help.


Dr Chugh and his team weren’t able to determine symptom severity.


The patients who called 911 about their symptoms were mostly already diagnosed with heart disease or had recurring symptoms.

Those patients’ survival rate was 32 per cent – compared to six per cent for other patients.


That’s because a fifth of the patients who called 911 had their cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital.

This study is just the start of more research to better predict the risk factors for cardiac arrest – and to figure out how to target them without panicking people – Dr Chugh said.


The study was published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

'My husband went back to Nigeria last Christmas to wed a secret new wife' - British woman reveals (photos)

Found this very interesting and intriguing story on The Sun UK. Biko, follow me read below...:-) 

When her hubby of ten years had to spend Christmas with his relatives in Nigeria, Tracy Akingbogun hoped he’d return with a special gift to make up for their time apart. David, 43, had sorted out a present — for himself. He had secretly married another woman in Nigeria on Boxing Day.
Mum-of-four Tracy only discovered the shocking news through a friend months later — and kicked him out. Heartbroken Tracy, also 43, says: “While I was at home with the kids missing him at Christmas, his present to himself was a new bride. “I still can’t believe he did that to us after more than ten years together. “I did some research and saw that the ceremony was a religious one and not a legal one. So he hadn’t committed bigamy. “His dad had five wives during his lifetime, so I suppose David thought he could do that too. “But not when he was living in the UK and not when he was married to me.”

Tracy, from Gravesend, Kent, adds: “This Christmas it will be just me and the children again, just like it was last year. But this time I’ll be over the moon that David isn’t with us.”
Tracy was a single mum to Cameron and Alysia — now 17 and 13 — when she met David in a nightclub while she was on a rare night out in March 2004.

She recalls: “I was watching a group of lads on the pull, but one of them wasn’t. He was just leaning against the bar enjoying himself. He saw me watching him and came over to chat. 
“His name was David and he was really kind and gentle. He’d only arrived from Nigeria three months before.”
David moved into Tracy’s home just six weeks later and Tracy was delighted to discover she was pregnant.

Their son Kayodo, now 11, was born in December 2004 and they married two months later.

Tracy says: “It was a small ceremony with a few family and friends. David read out a poem and told me he really believed in me and our future together. 
“From then on he called me ‘Wifey,’ his pet name for me.”
The next year the happy family went to Nigeria to meet David’s relatives. 
Tracy says: “They were lovely to us and even went through the traditional ceremony of washing our feet when we arrived.”
Their second son Olalekan, now four, was born in December 2011. 

Tracy busied herself bringing up her brood while David turned his hand to various businesses from buying and selling cars to running a market-stall. He also tried to set up an internet cafe. 
But two years later she found messages between David and a Nigerian woman. 
Tracy says: “One read: ‘When you were last here I wish I’d kissed you.’ I shouted at him, and wanted him to explain himself. 
“He said she was someone he used to date before he came to the UK. He said it was nothing, they were just friends. 
“I told David it was her or me. He said it was me, I was his wifey and that was that. 
“Over the next few months he tried hard to show he meant it and we got back to normal.”
Then David announced he would have to go to Nigeria over the 2014 festive period. Tracy says: “I was furious. I told him he should be here for his sons — for our family. He kept insisting he had important family business.”
David flew out the day before Christmas Eve and Tracy was upset the family would be apart. 
She says: “I was so angry with him, but I wasn’t going to let the children know that. 
“It was Christmas so I was going to make it a good one.”
She messaged David, reminding him to call their boys on Christmas morning.

Tracy says: “David finally called at 9pm. I gave him an earful but let him speak to the children. I was so angry with him. 
“On Boxing Day I didn’t hear from him, but I spoke to him and his family the next day and they were all friendly and normal.”

But, on David’s return, Tracy felt something had changed. 
She says: “When he wasn’t away working he was on his laptop. He was hardly speaking to me or the boys. I would encourage him to spend time with them, but he’d snap at me and say he was busy.”
Tracy tried to make her family life as happy as possible but in May came a bolt out of the blue. 
She got a message on Facebook from the partner of one of David’s friends in Nigeria, a woman Tracy had met when she visited.

She says: “The message read that he’d got married to another woman on Boxing Day — everyone knew apart from me. She didn’t think that was right. 
“The world I loved had been whipped from beneath my feet. Tears streamed down my face. I’d known something was up. 
“I confronted David but he denied it. He seemed so cool and calm. So I messaged her and said there must be a mistake.”

What came next wiped away any trace of doubt Tracy had. 
Tearfully, she recalls: “She ended up sending me photos of the wedding ceremony via WhatsApp and confirmed it to me. There was no denying that.”
Shaking, Tracy managed to guess his Facebook password and logged in. There, she read messages between him and his new wife, the woman she’d caught him messaging two years before, who was also his ex-girlfriend. 
Tracy says: “I was so angry I couldn’t speak. He couldn’t get married — he was my husband! 
“I confronted him and he tried to deny it again but this time I told him I’d seen the photos and read the messages. I told him to pack his bags and get out. 
“I don’t take calls from his family, as they were in on this and went to his wedding last Boxing Day while lying to me. 
“He abandoned his children and me to get married to another woman. He’s made his choice and now he’s stuck with it.”
David said: “I can do what I want. It’s nobody’s business. What do you want me to do?”

Anambra Central: APGA jubilates as court bars Ekwunife, PDP from participating in the rerun

There were jubilation in the camp of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, on Tuesday as fresh indications emerged that the Enugu Appeal court barred the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and its candidate, Senator Uche Ekwunife from taking part in the rerun. The development has sent jitters down the camp of Ekwunife and the PDP. With the development, Chief Victor Umeh of the APGA may be coasting home to victory as he would likely face less hurdles in the election. This is as the All Progressives Congress, APC, candidate in the election, Dr. Chris Ngige is now a serving minister and may not take part in the rerun. DAILY POST recalls that although Ekwunife was declared winner, an Appeal Court sitting in Enugu voided the polls and ordered a rerun. However, in a full text of the certified true copy of the Appeal Court judgment made available to journalists in Enugu yesterday, the court held that the 11th respondent (Ekwunife) “was not the product of a valid primary and was, therefore, not duly and legitimately nominated. The court further held that such situation “has disqualified her from contesting the election into the Anambra Central senatorial District.” The court cited Supreme Court ruling on Wambai Vs Donatus (2014) that “a person cannot be qualified to be a candidate of a party except and unless he is nominated and sponsored by a political party. The court noted that neither Ekwunife nor the PDP led an evidence to prove that there was a primary and those who participated in such a primary where Ekwunife was elected. Chairman of the Appeal panel Justice A.D. Yahaya who read the judgment said “after an election if a person wishes to challenge the result of the election on ground of nomination/pre election matter, he can legally do so before a tribunal under Section 138 (1) (a) of the Electoral Act 2010 as amended and it is wrong to hold that an election tribunal does not have jurisdiction to hear and determine such a matter.” He, therefore, held that “nomination is part and parcel of qualification to stand for an election and since an election can be challenged on the grounds of lack of qualification, it follows that the appropriate forum to challenge it after the election is held is the Election Tribunal….” The Court ruled that the tribunal was therefore patently wrong in its decision. “It had completely misapprehended the case presented in that vein and that had coloured it’s vision, denying it the composure and dispassionate consideration of the case”, the court added. It noted that once the tribunal held the opinion that the issue of nomination was an internal affair and not justiceable, denying it the jurisdiction to entertain the issue, it lost focus and that clearly was prejudicial to the interest of the appellants. The court further held that “The decision arrived at was perverse and the right course of action is to set aside the decision. “Consequently, the perverse decision which held that the 11th respondent had been properly and legitimately sponsored by the 12th respondent, must and is hereby set aside. “In view of this, it is totally unnecessary to go into other issues raised for determination by the appellants, especially as we have set aside the judgment for being perverse. Nothing can be built on it.” Speaking on the revelations of the detailed judgment Chief Victor Umeh, the APGA candidate in the election said, “the judgment has clearly removed Uche Ekwunife and the PDP from the next election” arguing that if one was not qualified to contest an election, the person cannot be qualified to be part of the re-run election. “We have heard rumours that the PDP is planning to hold ward congress on January 7th and thereafter hold a primary on the 9th to nominate their candidate. “So, it’s laughable because nomination for participation in this election ended in December 2014 and for that, withdrawal and substitution has also been concluded.” Meanwhile, in a swift reaction, Ekwunife dismissed as laughable the claim that she had been disqualified from the election, noting that the enrolment order directed that fresh election should be conducted by INEC. She noted that the constitution and the Electoral Act were clear on how a candidate for an election would be disqualified, explaining that nothing of such had sufficed in her case. Ekwunife noted further that because of the absence of a valid party leadership in Anambra at the time of the primaries last December and following the court observation that she was a product of an invalid exercise, the PDP in Anambra had fixed January 9 for fresh primaries, observing that she was already prepared for the exercise. She said, “I wonder why some people will start going through the entire body of the judgment and ignore the main issue which is the enrolment order that fresh election be conducted for all the candidates. “It smacks of somebody who is jittery and not ready to face the popular judgment of the people. I will soon begin my campaign and Umeh is busy looking for what to blackmail me with.” Ekwunife maintained that she beat Chief Umeh in the last election and as such will always beat him in any contest under platform of any political party because of her antecedents and popularity. “I won’t join issues with Chief Victor Umeh whom obviously is still licking his wounds after I beat him silly in the last election. What concerns me at this moment is how to go into the election and win again so as to continue to represent my people at the senate and not to join issues with him or his pay masters. “My victory at the last election was an act of God and as such, I am not seeing anything as an obstacle to my re-election as my people have absolute confidence in me and that is why they voted me in at the first polls. Umeh is obviously very jittery about the re-run election because he knows he is not electable and as such will be beaten again”, she maintained. She called on her supporters and people of Anambra Central senatorial zone to disregard the speculations and allegations being made by her opponent and promised to continue to strive to guard the votes of the people in March next year re-election in the zone.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Breaking news :Okeke hostel in UNN on fire

Prof Opata:
It is suspected that the fire was caused by electrical problems. It is under control now, thanks to the Fire service workers. Came back from the scene a few minutes ago. Virtually all the rooms on the top floor have been gutted by fire.

Half of cardiac arrest sufferers ignore potentially life saving warnings

The heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. Blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs, and without treatment, within minutes a person is typically dead.

But, a new study has suggested that sudden cardiac arrest isn't so sudden as half of sufferers experience warning signs hours, days, sometimes even weeks before cardiac arrest strikes, doctors at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles discovered.

However, most people ignore those symptoms – and miss a chance to save their own lives, according to the study.

Study leader Dr Sumeet Chugh said: ‘By the time the 911 call is made, it’s much too late for at least 90 per cent of people.

‘There’s this window of opportunity that we didn’t really know existed.’


The study offers the possibility of one day preventing sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest kills nearly 350,000 people in the US alone each year.

Though it’s commonly confused with a heart attack, cardiac arrest is different – and much worse.

It causes the heart’s electrical activity to be knocked out of rhythm, abruptly stopping it from beating.

CPR can buy time before an ambulance arrives, but few patients survive.

As a result it’s been hard for the medical community to tell whether cardiac arrest is a strike with little or no advance warning.

Scientists closely tracked sudden cardiac arrest in Portland, Oregon for more than a decade.

They examined records for nearly 1,100 people aged 35 to 65 who suffered a cardiac arrest between 2002 and 2012.

They also used interviews with family, friends and strangers who witnessed the patient’s collapse.


For around a quarter of patients, the scientists couldn’t find any information about whether they experienced symptoms – making it tough to say how common warning signs are.


However, of the remaining 839 patients, half had evidence of at least one symptom in the previous month.

Most of those people had symptoms within 24 hours of their collapse – though some came a week before and others up to a month.


Chest pain was the most common symptom in men. While women were more likely to experience shortness of breath.

Other symptoms included fainting and heart palpitations.

Furthermore, the study found that only a fraction of patients considered their symptoms bad enough to call 911 before they collapsed and those people were the most likely to survive.

University of Pittsburgh emergency medicine specialist Dr Clifton Callaway, who wasn’t involved in the study but chairs the American Heart Association’s emergency care committee, said: ‘Chest pain, shortness of breath – those are things you should come in the middle of the night to the emergency department and get checked out.‘We strongly recommend you don’t try to ride it out at home.’


A person’s chances of experiencing cardiac arrest is also increased if they’ve had previous heart attacks, coronary heart disease and certain inherited disorders that affect heartbeat.

People who know they are at a high risk may receive an implanted defibrillator to shock their heart back into rhythm.


But because cardiac arrest is such a public health problem, the Institute of Medicine kicked off a national campaign to teach CPR last summer, so that bystanders know how to help.


Dr Chugh and his team weren’t able to determine symptom severity.


The patients who called 911 about their symptoms were mostly already diagnosed with heart disease or had recurring symptoms.

Those patients’ survival rate was 32 per cent – compared to six per cent for other patients.


That’s because a fifth of the patients who called 911 had their cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital.

This study is just the start of more research to better predict the risk factors for cardiac arrest – and to figure out how to target them without panicking people – Dr Chugh said.


The study was published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

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Be prepared, 2016 will be tough – Oshiomhole tells Nigerians

OshiomholeEdo State governor, Adams Oshiomhole has predicted a tough time for Nigerians in the coming year.
He said that the Year 2016 will be tough, considering the crisis currently rocking the economy sector.
The governor, however, expressed hope that his government will finish strong despite the economic indicators.
Speaking during a meeting with traditional rulers from Edo Central senatorial district, yesterday, the governor said: “It is clear from all indicators that the coming year is likely to be very tough with the continued decline in revenue and rising expectation on the part of our people and with many state governments, local governments, and perhaps, even some federal agencies defaulting in the payment of salaries and allowances to workers.
“The level of strike activities in the economy is going to be very high and of course, the level of unemployment is already unacceptably high and it could get even higher if we are not careful.
“So, we have a lot of challenges ahead, but I am very confident that the President is determined and has the political will to do the needful and ensure that the country remains stable and safe. The rest of us as state governments have responsibilities, working with the local governments and your good selves, the traditional rulers, to ensure that there is peace.”

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Biafra:FG levels fresh charges of treasonable felony against Nnamdi Kanu, two others

Nnamdi-Kanu2-e1445127389489The Federal Government of Nigeria has slammed a fresh charge of treasonable felony on Radio Biafra Founder, Nnamdi Kanu.
Kanu who has been in detention was last week freed by an Abuja High Court.
The Federal Government had gone to a Federal High Court in Abuja last Friday to prefer six charges against Kanu, Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi.
In the charge-sheet signed by the Director, Public Prosecution (DPP), Mohammed Saidu Diri, for the Attorney-General of the Federation obtained by Daily Sun, Kanu and the two others were charged with treasonable felony which is punishable under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria.
Giving details, the charge-sheet read in part: “That you, Nnamdi Kanu and other unknown per- sons, now at large, at London, United Kingdom, between 2014 and September, 2015 with intention to levy war against Nigeria in order to force the President to change his measures of being the President of the Federation, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation as defined in Section 3 of the Constitution of the Federal Re- public of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) by doing an act to wit: Broadcast on Radio Biafra your preparations for the states in the South- East geo-political zone, South-South geo-political zone, the Igala Community of Kogi State and the Idoma/Igede Community of Benue State to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria and form themselves into a Republic of Biafra, and thereby committed an offence punish- able under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.”
On count two of the charges, the federal authorities also accused the trio of managing an unlawful society.

Tuffiakwa :Pig mates Goat in Enugu (see pics)

TF? As seen in (photo)

Wait, a pig is trying to hump a goat? Lol...this was spotted at new site River raine wonderful Oji-river in Enugu State...more pics after the cut...

Woman impregnants man after they switched sex

Transgender man pregnant by his female transgender partner

Diane Rodriguez, a 33-year-old a transwoman who used to be a man has revealed she's expecting her first child with her transgender male partner. She and her partner Fernando Machado, 22, a transman who used to be a woman, met on social media two years ago. And now, they are about to become the first transgender couple in Ecuador to have a baby.

Fernando, from Venezuela, is three months pregnant and moved to live with Diane in Ecuador after meeting online.

Neither Diane nor Fernando has undergone surgery during their gender reassignment process, so becoming pregnant was still possible.

Upon announcing their decision to become transgender, Fernando was supported by his loved ones after explaining that he didn't feel comfortable being a woman. However Diane was rejected by her family, and even had a spell being homeless.


Diane said: "This was the wish of both of us and there was nothing biological or legal to stop us, so we decided to do it"

"We live as man and woman. I’m a transfeminine woman and Fernando is a transmasculine man. "The process to get here was complex for each of us."Knowing it’s our right, we decided to add another member to our family. "

Health scare for Pope Francis as he is unable to stand at Vatican speech

Health scare for Pope Francis as he is unable to stand at Vatican speech

Fears for the health of Pope Francis have resurfaced after he was unable to stand at an official event, explaining that he was 'not feeling strong.' 
Addressing Vatican officials in a Christmas speech on Monday, Francis said he had the flu. He said:

'Dear brothers and sisters, Forgive me for not standing up as I speak to you, but for some days I've been suffering from flu and I am not feeling very strong. With your permission, I'll speak to you sitting down.'

The pope has been unsteady of his feet at times in recent months, stumbling several times in public. Last week he celebrated his 79th birthday.

In November as walked up the steps in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome he seemingly tripped on his robes, forcing nearby priests to grasp his arms and help him up the steps.
The same week he tripped as he walked up some steps in St Peter's Square, this time being brought to his hands and knees.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Emmanuel Ngene:Nigerian sentenced for eternity in prison for defiling daughter

Emmanuel Ngene, 56 year old man has 225 years, five months and ten days left to serve for first degree murder and rape of his daughter.
Emmanuel Ngeneplay
Emmanuel Ngene
Emmanuel Ngene, 56 year old man has 225 years, five months and ten days left to serve for first degree murder and rape of his daughter. Even this day he denies committing this heinous crime and his innocence is duly supported by his friends and family members.
Like many other young and aspiring Nigerians, who’s live was buried under an inflation effected economy of the early 1980s, Emmanuel sought to survive in a foreign country and he chose wisely in selecting the United States, the land of opportunities. Destined for a better living he relocated to the States in 1981 and desired for education upon arrival. But with no money, surviving in the God’s own country was not easy and he got engaged in menial jobs in order to sustain himself.
It took him many years to adept to the foreign lifestyle and then he married Mary, a resident of his motherland. Emmanuel would return every year during holidays to his family and the couple had their first child in Nigeria on November 9, 1998. The family moved back to America in 2007 and Mary instantly got tangled in the new world and started drifting apart from her husband.
Many times Emmanuel would complaint his friends that his wife refuses to have sex and spend time with her. The following incidents vary as both Emmanuel and Mary charge each other of misbehaving. In later years Emmanuel was charged by his wife and daughter for sexually assaulting her multiple times and Emmanuel was found guilty and was sentenced to 300 to 369 years in Prison.
Emmanuel however continues to deny all the charges against him to this day and already had a partial stroke from the stress of the trial and subsequent imprisonment. Emmanuel will be spending his sixth year inside a South Eastern United State penitentiary this holiday.

Breaking News: Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission Increases Electricity Tariffs and removes fixed charge

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission has finally released the new power tariff regime, in which it outlined the various rates of increase in energy charges for consumers across the country.

It also announced the removal fixed electricity charges for all classes of electricity consumers and noted that power users would only pay for what they consume.

Confirming the tariffs increase on Monday, NERC stated that henceforth, from the next billing period, power distribution companies would no longer charge their customers monthly fixed charges.

Fixed charge is that component of the tariff that commits electricity consumers to paying an approved amount of money not minding whether electricity is consumed during the billing period.

Outlining the rates of increase in tariffs for various customer classes in selected locations across the country, NERC said, “For instance, residential customer classification (R2) in Abuja Electricity Distribution Company will no longer pay N702 fixed charge every month. Their energy charge will increase by N9.60.

“Also, residential customers (R2 customers) in Eko and Ikeja electricity distribution areas will no longer pay N750 fixed charges. They will be getting N10 and N8 increase respectively in their energy charges. Similarly, the burden of N800 and N750 fixed charges would be lifted off the shoulders of Kaduna and Benin electricity consumers. These consumers will see an increase of N11.05 and N9.26 respectively in their energy charges.”

This comes less than a week after the House of Representatives asked NERC to stop plans to increase electricity tarrifs.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Insurgency will soon be history, says senator accused of sponsoring sect

Senator Ali Ndume
Senate Ali Ndume, who is accused of sponsoring Islamist sect, Boko Haram, has expressed confidence that insurgency in the North-East will soon become history following renewed commitment by the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to tackle the menace.
Ndume, who is also the Senate Majority Leader made the statement on Saturday in Abuja in an interview with NAN.
The senator spoke to NAN shortly after presenting certificates to 100 internally displaced women, who had undergo three months training in tailoring.
The beneficiaries were part of the 400 women in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in a camp in Karu, a satellite town in the FCT.
The camp has a population of 1, 214 IDPs.
Ndume said: “By God’s grace this thing – insurgency will come to pass; it has happened before, it is happening now and will come to pass; it will be history one day.
“We are hopeful that they – IDPs will return home as soon as possible; there is light at the end of the tunnel.
“We thank God that in spite what we are going through; the spirit of our people is still high.
“We are trying to survive; we are trying to make a living in spite the situation.”
The senate leader thanked the Federal Government, NGOs and other organisations that had supported the IDPs.
Mr Sunday Waba, the leader of the Karu IDPs camp, commended President Muhammadu Buhari and the military for defeating the insurgents.
“We thank the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for his commitment to defeat the insurgents and the gallant Nigerian military, who sacrificed their lives to fight these evil people (insurgents).
“We are hopeful that next year by the first quarter, God willing, we will start moving back to our various villages.
“We will return rich because we have acquire skills,” he said.
Mrs Lydia Ashifa, one of the women, who benefited from the training, thanked Ndume and other lawmakers from their area, who came to their assistance.
“We are happy, we are very grateful. We will re-elect him (Ndume) again,” Ashifa said.
Esther Joseph, another beneficiary of the training, said she was happy to be trained as a tailor.
She said that when she returns home, she would be a proud employer of others.
Mrs Rashida Fagbai, who described herself as volunteer from Lagos, commended the organisers of the training and called on well meaning individuals and organisations to come to aid of the IDPs.
She said that she met some IDPs a couple of weeks ago and realised that something must be done to assist them.
She said that she and other volunteers came to Abuja to present the IDPs with gift items they mobilised in Lagos.

I’ll transform petroleum sector in one year – Kachikwu

Dr Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, NNPC MD and Minister of State, Petroleum Resources

Dr Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, NNPC MD and Minister of State, Petroleum Resources
Dr Ibe Kachikwu, the Minister of State for Petroleum, has promised to bring about fundamental change in Nigeria’s oil sector in 360 days.
He gave the promise on Saturday when All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftains in Delta, led by Mr Jones Erue, the party chairman, visited him at his country home in Onicha-Ugbo, Aniocha North LGA.
“The country’s oil sector will experience a turnaround such that the refineries will work effectively and products will be made available to the people at an affordable price within 365 days,” he said.
He said that as a technocrat, he came to give his best to turn the petroleum sector around for the benefit of all Nigerians.
The minister, however, called for ideas from the public on best ways to achieve successes in the sector, adding that he was not an epitome of knowledge.
“I came in as a technocrat to give my best to transform the oil industry, but I will welcome ideas from willing and capable Nigerians to build this sector,” he said.
Kachikwu advised the APC to carry others along and give them opportunity to make contributions for the development the country.
In his remark, Erue congratulated the minister on his appointment and used the occasion to highlight some of the challenges facing the party in the state.
In an interview with newsmen, Ayiri Emami, a chieftain of the APC in the state, said the minster remained the leader of the party in Delta.
He said that chieftains of the party came to felicitate with Kachikwu on his appointment.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Why not listen to yourself

#Abel Abel:

Doctor, don’t worry. I know I am going to die. I didn’t want to come here but they brought me here.

Please don’t worry about me, look at my hair, they are gone. I am so old but you are so young. I have learnt a lot from life, if you don’t mind I will tell you some of them before I die.

When I was 4 years, I use to think the world is about me. When I turned 14, I wanted to rule the world. I thought I would be the greatest man that ever lived. When I was 21, I wanted to be the richest man, when I was 25, I wanted to find love, when I was 40, I wanted to be helpful to everyone. Now that I am here, I want to die. You see, I wanted so many things at so many times. Most importantly, I wanted to be happy. I thought the best way to be happy is to listen to others.

When I wanted to enter the University, I wanted to study Zoology but everyone said I should study Engineering that I will be a great Engineer. So I listened to them. I had no one to pay my fees, I had to work and also pay my fees. In my third year, I couldn’t cope with my studies, I had to drop. When I dropped, the same people told me "you should have studied Zoology"!

When I turned 28, everyone said I should marry. That I needed a wife. So I listened to them, I got married. 6 years into the marriage, I caught my wife sleeping with my neighbour. I asked her why and she slapped me. I was angry and didn’t say anything. The next day I returned from work, she had run away with my children, now I am dying a lonely man.

At 40, I got a 10 million naira contract. My name was in the news. The next day, all my friends and families were at my house, everyone had a serious problem. Within one week, I spent all the money on them with the promise that they will pay back. I could not complete the contract because they refused to return the money as promised. So I was sent to jail for 6 years. I stayed in jail and I came out. When I came out, they were nowhere.

There was one mistake I made through all this time. Now it is clear to me. Let me tell you about it. I refused to listen to myself. I ignored my own self and listen to others. Now that I am here the only person that is with me is myself.

You see, it is very good to listen to others. It is very wise to seek advice from others. But it is very dangerous to ignore your own self. It is very very dangerous to refuse to pay attention to your heart.

When you get home this night, sit down, take a glass of water. Close your eyes if you want or open it if you want, then talk to yourself, reason with yourself. You can walk down the road alone and as you walk, begin to talk to yourself.

The only person that can overrule yourself is God, after God, listen to yourself next. I know it may not make sense to you now but always remember I told you LEARN TO LISTEN TO YOURSELF.

Buhari Sacks 2,000 University Workers

The Senior Staff Association of the Nigerian Universities has called for an indefinite strike on December 24, 2015 to protest a recent decision of the Federal Government to sack 2,000 university workers across the country by January, 2016.

Muhammadu Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari

The National President of SSANU, Mr. Samson Ugwoke, said during a press briefing in Abuja on Friday that the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission, and the National Universities Commission had written letters of termination to 2,000 members of staff of the universities.

Ugwoke said that the senior staff union of the universities had already dispatched letters to the Ministry of Education, the NUC and the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission to withdraw the letters of termination issued to varsity workers of the University of Ilorin, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto and others.

He said that SSANU also urged the Education Ministry and the other agencies to ensure immediate withdrawal of similar letters to vice chancellors to terminate the appointment of personnel of university staff primary schools.

He said the letter dated December 17, 2015 also copied President Muhammadu Buhari, the President of Senate, Bukola Saraki, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Yakubu Dogara, the Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige and others.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Mother Theresa to be named Roman Catholic Saint, says Vatican

Nobel laureate, late Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who dedicated her life to helping the poor, will be made a saint of the Roman Catholic Church in September 2016 after the Catholic Pope recognized her for her intercessory role in the cure of a man with multiple brain tumours.

Mother Teresa, who died in 1997 at the age of 87 and was known as the "saint of the gutters", is expected to be canonised in early September 2016.

It's not clear if the ceremony would take place in Rome or India. Teresa, who was born to Albanian parents in Skopje in Macedonia, and known across the world for her charity work, was beatified the first step towards sainthood in 2003.

So Sad! Read What Happened to Man Who Drank Four Crates of Beer in Lagos

A popular drunk in shasha Lagos state has met his Waterloo after he drank too much alcohol prompted by a challenge at a restaurant.

A man identified as Femi Aluko has died after he reportedly drank four cartons of beer in Shasha, a suburb of Lagos, western Nigeria, according to P.M news.

It was gathered that some people donated the cartons of beer to Aluko who boasted that he could consume that quantity. But after Aluko reportedly drank the four cartons of beer, he became terribly drunk, lost control and fell into a gutter while attempting to go home.

The incident happened on Thursday evening at a popular restaurant. After he fell into the gutter, none of the residents who saw him tried to rescue him. He was found dead in the gutter the following morning.
According to residents, the late Aluko was known in the area as a drunk. A resident, Mrs Nike Salawu who spoke to a reporter said the late Aluko had financial and family challenges for several years, which led him into heavy drinking of alcohol.

She said some of the residents had tried in the past to persuade him from drinking but he refused. She said it was due to his drinking habit that he fell into a gutter, and nobody was willing to assist him till Friday morning when he was found dead there. On how he got money to buy the drinks, she said it was the residents that usually bought the drinks for him.

The matter was reported to the police at Shasha division who went to the scene of the incident to see the corpse

Amazing! Nigeria's Blessing Okagbare Beats Usain Bolt to Guinness World Record

Nigerian super athlete, Blessing Okagbare has beaten the fastest man alive,Usian Bolt, to hold a spot in the Guinness world records.
Blessing Okagbare
Blessing Okagbare, Nigerian sprinter, beat record breaking star, Usain Bolt, to the 2016 Guinness world records feat as the athlete with the most diamond league appearances.
Okagbare participated in 38 diamond league events higher than any other athlete in the world, according to the records.
“Multi-discipline athlete, Blessing Okagbare from Nigeria participated at 38 Diamond league events between July 3, 2010 and September 5, 2014. Okagbare’s specialities are the 100m and 200m sprints and long jump,” the book said.
The IAAF Diamond League is an annual series of track and field meetings held from 2010 till date and billed to hold again in London by 2016.
The competition was designed to replace the IAAF Golden League, which held from 1998 to 2010.
Though Bolt was awarded IAAF world athlete of the year in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013, he is yet t to have as much appearances as the multi-talented Nigerian.
Okagbare holds the women’s 100 metres Commonwealth Games record for the fastest time at 10.85 second

Court Reverts Impeachment Of Enugu's Deputy Gov

The impeachment of Enugu State deputy governor, Sunday Onyebuchi by the   the state House of Assembly, has been annulled by an Enugu State High Court.

The court faulted the action of the members of the Assembly saying their actions were not at  variant and violation of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The presiding judge, Justice R.O Odogu set aside the swearing in of a new deputy governor after Onyebuchi was unlawfully sacked.
Reacting the judgment, Onyebuchi said: “I have forgiven those who were part of this justice.”
Onyebuchi was removed on August 26, 2014 by the state Assembly after he allegedly fell out of favour with the then governor of the state, Sullivan Chime.
The Assembly hinged its action for the removal of the deputy governor for allegedly operating a commercial poultry at his official residence and for his disobedience of the governor.
It was noted that according to applicable legislation these allegations was not  impeachable offences.
In reaction, Onyebuchi reportedly accused Chime of operating piggery at the Government House.

Court Reverts Impeachment Of Enugu's Deputy Gov

The impeachment of Enugu State deputy governor, Sunday Onyebuchi by the   the state House of Assembly, has been annulled by an Enugu State High Court.

The court faulted the action of the members of the Assembly saying their actions were not at  variant and violation of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The presiding judge, Justice R.O Odogu set aside the swearing in of a new deputy governor after Onyebuchi was unlawfully sacked.
Reacting the judgment, Onyebuchi said: “I have forgiven those who were part of this justice.”
Onyebuchi was removed on August 26, 2014 by the state Assembly after he allegedly fell out of favour with the then governor of the state, Sullivan Chime.
The Assembly hinged its action for the removal of the deputy governor for allegedly operating a commercial poultry at his official residence and for his disobedience of the governor.
It was noted that according to applicable legislation these allegations was not  impeachable offences.
In reaction, Onyebuchi reportedly accused Chime of operating piggery at the Government House.


The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, John Odigie-Oyegun yesterday in a reconciliatory meeting explained in more details why the APC refused to allow Audu's son replace him.
Prince Abubakar Audu
The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, John Odigie-Oyegun has cleared the air in a more understandable way why the party decided to pick Yahaya Bello, the current governor-elect to replace late Abubakar Audu instead of Audu's son. He said the move was to avoid any “legal pitfalls”.
He explained this further while speaking during a reconciliatory meeting with all relevant APC groups from Kogi east district on Thursday in Abuja, Mr. Odigie-Oyegun said the party took the decision knowing that some persons might feel offended but quickly added that the decision was taken in the best interest “of a group that was on the doorstep of victory”.
“So in the circumstance, we did what we interpreted legally as the best way out of the jam we were in, always having our eyes on the Peoples Democratic Party and what they may likely bring up in court,” he said.
“INEC asked us to replace the late Prince Abubakar Audu, good! Which one can we defend better if they go to court. That was the basis of our decision. But of course it created understandable anguish.
Kogi east is where the late Audu came from and they had produced governors in the state in every democratic dispensation since the state was created.
Many party stalwarts in the area had wanted the party to be led by the son of the late Mr. Audu, Mohammed, to replace his father as a form of compensation.
“So what we are trying to do is to say we know you are badly bruised, we hope tempers are cooling down. We hope we can now talk about the next steps that will restore some semblance of normalcy all over Kogi state.
“In politics everybody works for his own inheritance. It is not passed on from father to child. Of course the father can help the child no question about that. The child can benefit from the father’s influence, personality and the rest. But he has to earn it. Politics is not an inheritance,” the APC chairman told the group.
The delegation to the meeting was led by the Kogi state APC Chairman, Haddy Amefuo, as well as some Kogi East political leaders. The APC chairman assured the late Audu political family that they would play important roles in the political arrangements in Kogi state.