Monday, October 13, 2014


When I was a kid, 8 yrs to be precise. My parents were so much strict on us that we dare not go out after school to socialize with our friends, classmates and age mate. In fact I was not privileged to have experienced moonlight drama, moon light masquerading or the famous building of upstairs with palm fronts. Being the last born in the family made matter worst in that all I had to do was to follow the laid down practice. Even Christmas carol by a block rosary was a taboo not to talk of Christmas masquerade group. Our routine was wake up, do morning chores, go to school, comeback, take siesta and do your assignment.
But one could not bear the pains of looking through our backyard gate every Sunday seeing my mates sharing and eating meat they got from game hunting (animal hunting). It was a practice by kids of my age to go out hunting on Saturdays or Sunday evening (while ours was benediction/catechism class); this was organized by an older guy that was about 8yrs older than us.
On this particular day my long throat could not let me be as a feigned sickness when it was time for our catechism class on Sunday so as to go for hunting with my mates when my house hold had gone to church. So around 5pm as we planned I rushed out to join my people when I heard a whistle. Then we set up for hunting. We were six 6 in number including our leader. Because of big age gap he was so respected by my co hunters(see me see co hunters  lol) for his escapade in catching eyi,eko,uze ,osa,rarely nchi(family of rat).on that day I was busy ready to under study him. I realized that he has a unique method of killing the animals ,he will position all the kids around a specified area under surveillance for animal and direct them to be hitting the ground with stick as well  as converging toward a direction where he will be quietly be staying. This will make the game to automatically run to his side and he will kill it. If it were a case of digging hole to kill the animal, he will look for the uchu (escape route) of the animal and stay while the kids dig from the other side or the kids will be fanning smoke(mixed with pepper) into the hole. These two methods will definitely push the game to escape thru the uchu where our great hunter will comfortably be the first to see the animal and probably the one to kill it.
After the hunting that day we arrived the house of our chief hunter with 4 EYIs and one 2 Osas. I  was happy that at least I will eat enough meat that day and take some to my senior sister. But all my expectations that day turned to be an unrealized dream. The method of sharing of the meat sold my dreams away. As the animal is roasted they are separated in parts and each part of the animal is designated to a particular service or performance one did.
The head goes to the killer
The tail goes to the person that saw the animal first
Left leg goes to the elder
Right leg goes to the owner of hunting material
Right hand goes to the person that will butcher the animal
Left hand   goes to the owner of the kitchen it will be cooked.

And behold all the meat disappeared in my very before and we were left with just the back carcass to share. Six of us. I felt so disappointed with myself and from then on I never attended any hunting exercise. As you embark on any group struggle know how the proceed will be shared.

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